Chapter 18

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Isabelle Fernandina

It's been weeks since I had a deep conversation with Arthur. After receiving a photo from Diane, I felt like my whole world collapsed. Even if I still don't have the full right to him, I still felt the pain of betrayal. But all the pain suddenly disappeared as soon as Arthur told me the whole truth. We even celebrated Arthur's birthday and gave him the present that Ethan and I bought for him.

A small smile appeared on my lips as memories of Arthur's birthday clouded my mind. We've had lots of fun experience that day since all those people that we love are present that day.


I was brought back to my senses the time I heard my name. I am currently in my office here at the café, checking the café's financial report. I immediately pushed myself up of my swivel chair and headed out of my office.

Once I stepped out, I immediately saw Diane standing at the café's entrance. I looked around the café. All the customers attention was on Diane. I approached her without hesitation and asked her what she wants from me.

For the past days, Diane has been following Arthur and even called me just to tell me to leave Arthur. Diane's obsession with Arthur had spiraled out of control because she couldn't stand the thought of him moving on with me. I had become the unfortunate target of her wrath. What I'm worried about is my son, Ethan. For the past days, I've been reminding Roger and Betty to keep their eyes focus on Ethan since Diane can possibly do things that would harm me and my son. Even Arthur asked someone to secretly watched our house. I even added cctv's around the house premises.

I smiled at Diane but her face twisted with anger and jealousy. "Isabelle," she spat out, "I can't believe why Arthur chose you over me, I can't see anything good in you," she added.

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't know what I'm talking about? Really now Isabelle? You showed up because you want Arthur to be responsible with a child he doesn't even own!" she replied, making my blood boil.

My eyes widened at the accusation. "Diane, if you are looking for a scandal, this isn't the right place for that. Please leave because you're scaring our customers."

"I don't care," she replied. "How dare you go after Arthur? He was mine first! Leave him alone or I will make you and your son's life miserable!"

"I have never pursued Arthur. Our connection had happened naturally, without any intention to hurt you. Besides, you've already parted ways even before we came back into his life," I replied as soon as she mentioned my son's identity. "Diane, we didn't do anything to -"

But Diane cut me off, raising her hand gesturing me to stop. "Save it!" she hissed. "I only want you to do something for me or I won't let you get away with it!"

Diane put her hands down but raised it again, ready to strike me. In that tense moment, my survival instincts kicked in, and caught her hand mid-air. Without even thinking twice, infront of our customers, I twisted Diane's arm, forcing her to drop any thoughts of violence. I won't allow her to show disrespect on me inside my own café and infront of our customer.

With a swift motion, I pushed Diane away, sending her stumbling backward. The shock of the unexpected retaliation jolted Diane out of her rage-filled trance.

"What the hell, Isabelle! You want to kill me!" Diane exclaimed, rubbing her sore arm. "Hey, everyone. See this innocent woman here, she is a monster! She wants everything that's mine to be hers! She's a devil. The daughter of an -"

Diane wasn't able to continue with her speech as my palm connects with her right cheek. "If there's a devil here then you're probably that one," I responded. "Stop destroying my life. Our life! Move on and accept the reality! Arthur was never yours!" I added in anger.

She glared at me but I stood my ground, my voice steady with a mix of anger and determination. "I won't allow you to attack me just like that, Diane. Arthur and I have a real and sincere connection and I won't let your jealousy destroy it. This isn't about you anymore, it's about me, my son and Arthur. You need to open your eyes and accept that."

Diane's face contorted with a mix of fury and frustration. I know that Diane had always been in control, always had the upper hand. But today, my fierce defiance shattered the illusion of power she had held over Arthur and anyone connected to him.

"You really think you're so special to him?" Diane scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "You're just another in a long line of women who think they can replace me. But, you're wrong because Arthur will come crawling back to me eventually. Even if I've done terrible things to him, he will always choose me over any other woman. Mark my words."

My eyes narrowed but I still managed to smile at her. I don't want this argument to attract more customer. I want to put this to an end. "You know what Diane, you are wrong. Very wrong. Arthur will never stoop to low just to be with you. Arthur and I have something real. Something that you could never understand since you just think of yourself. You only want to have things that will make you happy.  This ends now. I won't let you destroy Arthur and I have with your delusions and false claims," I said. I can feel myself calming down.

Diane's face reddened, her voice shrill with desperation. "You'll regret this, Isabelle. If you think that this is over, then you are wrong. This isn't over. I'm just starting to claim what is mine," she said.

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Diane stormed out of the café leaving everyone in the café shock with her action. I heaved a deep sigh and asked for forgiveness from our customer for the show. Our customers just smiled and even told me that what I did was right. I just put that woman on her right place. They even told me to sue her for the scandal she started.

Once everything is back to normal, I headed back to my office. I think about those words that Diane just told me. I heaved another sigh. I wouldn't let Diane's threats intimidate me or jeopardize my relationship with Arthur especially now that Ethan is present in our lives. I'll never allow Diane's toxic presence to poison our happiness for the second time. I'll make sure that our bond would prevail, forged in the fires of adversity, stronger than ever before. Diane's plan will just be a plan to destroy us. I'll be stronger not for myself but for the family I'm about to have.


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