Chapter 5

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Isabelle Fernandina

I heaved a deep sigh as soon as all the customers have settled down. Seeing them smiling while chatting with their friends and families at their seats made me smile. It made me think of the fact that I've done one of the best things in my life and that is to put up the café. For me, it's all worth it.

I glanced at my wrist watch and my eyes widened as soon as I saw the time. It's already past twelve and I'm still not eating. I then asked one of my staff to take my place. Normally, when I'm in the café, I would be working with my staff for I've been used to it. Since the day I started my business, I move around the café to make sure that everyone is entertained and all my staffs are working. It's also a good chance for me to have and build a good relationship with my staffs. Now, we treat each other as brothers and sisters.

I headed towards my office. I have packed my lunch early in the morning and that's what I'm going to have for the moment. I am already unpacking my food when I hear my phone make a sound.

I glanced at my buzzing phone, momentarily distracted. Seeing a message from my cousin, Jimson, and my trusted friend, Almira, I hesitated before opening it. They rarely contacted me during work hours unless it was something important or emergency. My heart skipped a beat as I hurriedly unlocked my phone and read the message.

'We lost Ethan while wandering around the mall'

My mind went blank for a moment as panic washed over me. I felt my heart race, my hands tremble. Fear coursed through my veins as thoughts of my precious son, Ethan, flashed before my eyes. I can't imagine my son walking around the mall, alone and crying. I quickly dialed Almira's number and waited anxiously as the call connected.

"Mira, what happened? Is my son okay?" I asked, barely able to contain my panic. My hands are shaking. I can hear my cousin, saying something but my thoughts focuses on my friend.

"Uhm, can you calm down for a moment Isabelle?," Almira replied from the other line.

I breathed in and breathed out before talking. "Now tell me, what exactly happened?" I calmly asked.

"We were at the mall, and Ethan wandered off. We immediately looked for him but can't find him anywhere. The mall is quite crowded today," Almira's voice was filled with desperation. "We have already alerted the security head," she added that gives a moment of relief to me.

"Okay, I'll be there. Please, search for him," I replied before ending the call.

My mind raced, desperately trying to come up with a plan. I walk out of my office with my hand bag and approached one of my staff at the café. I excused myself from my employees, feeling a mix of guilt and worry for leaving my responsibilities. But in that moment, none of my work mattered. My priority was finding my missing son.

Rushing out of the café, I sprinted towards the nearest exit, ignoring the bewildered looks from my staff and the café's customers. I thanked my lucky stars that the mall was only a couple of blocks away. The entire journey felt like an eternity, my thoughts consumed with nothing but my son, Ethan's wellbeing. I don't know what I will do once I lost my son.

Finally, I reached the bustling mall, my eyes scanning the sea of people, searching for any signs of my beloved son. My heart sank as minutes turned into what felt like hours, and my son remained nowhere in sight. I frantically searched every nook and cranny, calling out his name, my voice breaking with each desperate plea. The mall security was alerted, and the situation quickly escalated.

Just as I am about to collapse from exhaustion and despair, I heard a familiar voice calling out for my name. I turned around. It was Almira. Relief washed over me as I saw Almira walking towards me with a slightly disheveled Jimson who is following her.

"Oh my gosh, where's my son? I- is he still here?" I cried, tears streaming down my face as I enveloped my friend in a tight, trembling embrace. When I finally calmed down a bit, Almira explained how my son had gotten separated from them in a crowded store and had wandered off in search of a toy he had been eyeing.

"Okay, let's not waste time and search for Ethan before someone will take him. We don't know what people has in mind nowadays. Instead of helping, they'll create a bigger problem," says Jimson that made me look at him.

"You're right. Let's go on our separate ways and look for him. The security personnel of the mall is now alerted about the missing child," replied Almira.

"Okay. Call me once you saw my son," I replied making the two nod in response.

My emotions ranged from overwhelming sadness to a mixture of nervousness and guilt. I realized in that moment that despite my busy life and demanding career, nothing was more important than my son, Ethan, who gave color to my life. That moment, while walking around the mall, searching for my son, I vowed to myself that I would find a better balance between work and time for my son, cherishing every precious moment with him.


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