Puppy paws 🍼

358 6 7

Little: Seungmin
Caregiver: Stray kids (Mostly Chan)
924 words

Author POV
Seungmin was busy in vocal lessons, his teacher wasn't so nice to him and it made him feel a bit upset. He's been pushing the fuzzy feeling in his head away for the whole day, he knows that he should slip at some point today but he will be at the studio a long time

At this point, his teacher is constantly yelling at him for no reason. He has been doing everything right but they keep yelling, Seungmin pouts. Almost immediately slipping into his headspace

"You're such a baby! You're horrible at your work and you only slip when you wanna cause other people trouble, all you do is mess up!" Seungmins teacher yells, Seungmin put a hand over his mouth and cries softly

Seungmin is so upset, but his teacher doesn't care. The teacher doesn't wanna deal with this at all

Chan POV
I was at the dorms working instead because no one was there and it was more peaceful, I've been there for about an hour before my phone starts to ring. The number is Seungmins teachers

"Hello? Is this Bang Chan?" They say over the phone, Chan can't help but notice the agitated tone they have "Uh, yes this. Is there a problem with Seungmin or anything?"

"Yeah, he's been messing up all day and he slipped into his headspace" To say Chan is shocked, is an understatement. "Really? I'll be over soon" Chan immediately hangs up the phone and heads to his car

Teacher POV
This kid is so annoying, he had to be an age regressor and he slipped. Who does that? I love being rude to him and even though he's not bad at singing, it feels right to yell at him.

Chan POV
When I get to the studio, I see my baby sitting in the corner and crying. He's trembling...I go over to him, I don't know if he'll be snappy so I stay back. The paws of Seungmins shirt are up to his mouth

"Hey pup, what's going on?..." I coo, Seungmin looks up at me and cries out "Appa..." I feel my heart clench and I take Seungmin in my arms

"teacher yell at me an' be mean. That why I slip, I did good today.." Seungmin whispers to me, I immediately glare at the teacher but I go back to holding Seungmin

"Let's get you home, okay?" I grab Seungmin's bag and hold Seungmin's hand, I had the right to fire Seungmin's teacher so that's what I did

"Your fired, I don't want you near Seungmin" I admit, the teacher looks at me in disbelief before scowling and leaving

Time skip

Seungmin is still hurt by his old teachers words but, his caregiver now cuddling him and watch his favorite cartoon made him feel tons better

"Hey, what's going on?" Felix asks, he just got back from his schedule and he saw them "Ah. The little puppy here had a bad day with his teacher, I took him back here for cuddles"

Seungmin smiles and turn around, he takes the collar of Chan's shirt and suckles on it as he nuzzles into the warm neck

"Aw, well hey Minnie...." Felix says, his voice deep yet soft, he strokes Seungmins hair and soon the small boy falls asleep

Time skip

Seungmin is awoken by yelling, he sits up on his bed and look around. The room is dark and he swore he saw a shadow. He whimpers "a-appa monster..."

Seungmin sees another shadow and curls under the blankets, he feels like he's watched and it makes him so uncomfortable. He feels a breeze and that sets him off, he lets out a loud sob and scream in terror

Hyunjin POV
Everyone was arguing on who was gonna take care of Seungmin when he woke up, everyone wanted to see mini Seungmin. That was until, we heard a loud sob and scream

I rushed to Seungmin's room and saw the fragile boy sobbing and curled all the way under his covers, the other members watch from the door

"Minnie...." I say gently, worried about scaring or startling him. I see Seungmin peak out and throw himself at me, he's a shaking and sobbing mess

I rub his back comfortingly "Hey, hey, what happened cutie?..." I coo, he's still shaking so I look over at Minho for help

Minho grabs Seungmin from me and I watch him carry Seungmin to the living room, I follow to see what they're doing

Author POV
Chan and Felix are in the kitchen, Felix making cookies for the little and Chan is making him a warm bottle of milk mixed with hazelnut flavoring and honey

About 5 minutes later, Felix takes the cookies out of the oven and he puts MnM's on them in the shape of eyes and a smile

Chan is also done with Seungmins milk and they both walk over to the living room with the sweet treats. Seungmin is sitting in Changbins lap and he has the paws of his sweater over his mouth while watching "Bluey"

Felix and Chan coo when they see the little and place the treats on the table beside Changbin, Seungmin whines for his bottle "Baba!..." in which, Chan complies while feeding him his bottle

Everyone else is watch in awe as their baby is able to calm down and they all spend the rest of the night playing with Seungmin or just giving him extra cuddles

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