Chapter 20

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"Dilana, thank you for coming." I smile graciously.

"Oh no, Your Majesty. Thank you for inviting me. Things must be so hectic nowadays. How is Your Majesty faring?" She humbly sits down at the small round table that sits in the Sun Palace gardens.

"I'm alright. The news of the fire must have spread, hasn't it?"

"I'm afraid so." She takes quick glances at the four knights sneakily positioned around the garden. "I'm sure His Majesty was worried a great deal to have knights around even in the safety of the palace."

I faked a laugh at her response, "Yes, he was worried that I feel like I'm in a cage sometimes. But I'm glad he allowed you to meet me, Dilana. Have you been up to anything interesting?"

She takes a moment to think, flashes her pink lashes over her blue eyes. "I've been trying to knit a blouse. Since summer is coming quickly I thought that a breezy top might be in fashion. Though I'm not very skilled at it." She fidgets her fingers around her teacup.

"Would you like me to help? I'll tell the maids to fetch us some yarn and needles ." I motion to maid to bring us some.

"There is no need, Your Majesty." She refuses my kindness.

"Nonsense, you're my friend Dilana. How about you call me Estella? Or do you not wish to be my friend?" I guilt her into complying.

"I'm grateful to be your friend, Estella." She finally gives in. "Thank you for being so generous with me. I myself have had difficulty in society. I relied on the other ladies to help me navigate. Some find it odd that I like to help at the temple."

"I don't find that odd, if anything that is something to be proud of. You are doing one of the most necessary jobs. I envy that of you, the courage that you have." I sip my tea, feeling the spring breeze blow my loose hairs from my face.

Dilana is someone important to Kyrell, at least in the future. Though Kyrell doesn't hate me now, I do want to have a good relationship after. With both him and Dilana.

Befriending her might make me feel less guilty for being married to her lover. Maybe she won't hate me if I am her friend.

The maid soon came back with a tub of yarn spools and knitting needles.

I showed Dilana how to start her new project. While she decided to make a knitted blouse, I wanted to make Alastair a scarf for the winter.

It was peaceful which I enjoyed. It seems that this life has been very busy so far, something I never imagined would happen to me.

And now I have a friend who knits with me. I couldn't be more happy. But there is still something that tugs at my heart.

The longing I have for my husband that wasn't meant for me. It feels wrong to pine after another woman's man.

No matter how much I want it, the pain I will have to endure after they fall in love will be worse. So I have to keep away from Kyrell. Keep away from his handsome self. Not to be fooled by his appearance.

It's as if Lucia is trying to tempt me because there he comes, striding straight towards us.

His tall, dark build could make any woman swoon. And he will now see his lover without any distractions.

"Your Majesty." Dilana stands to bow.

He takes her in for a moment before replying with, "Welcome. I'm glad Estella has been able to make a good friend."

He doesn't spare her another glance, and looks to me.

Is that all? He doesn't have more to say?

"Kyrell, this is Lady Dilana, Count Laurier's daughter." I try to get a reaction out of him.

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