Chapter 16

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But it's no use, it never listens to me. Little by little the shadows escaped, resurfacing and reaching for Estella.


We need.

They wished to touch her. Something so irresistible about her.

"Your Majesty?" Her voice, like an angel's. But she didn't say my name this time. My shadows seemed bothered by that, rushing forward towards her legs.

"Your Majesty!" She calls again, sitting by me. That worst place she could ever be right now.

Her worried face only looked at me.

"Your Majesty?" Again that title is so annoying. The shadows tied around her ankles began to soothe at the feel of her skin. How can that be?

Even if they were calmer, the pain was still there.

"Step away from me, Estella. The shadows—" I try to warn her if the shadows do start to go wrong.

"I can't do that, Kyrell. You're in pain." Her eyes became watery as looked at my anguish.

I pull way from her, scared of hurting her.

"Don't. I could hurt you." My breathing was ragged.

"Let me help you, Kyrell. Please I can't see you like this." She says as the carriage stops.



The shadows yells as the knights separate me from Estella. It seems she changed destinations when I wasn't paying attention because we are at the Sun Palace. I could here the hurried click of her heels as she walked behind us.

Why is she following? The agreement was for me to protect her not the other way around.

We reach my bedroom faster than anticipated, the knights placing me on the bed. The pain was stronger than before, my shadows searching for anything they could find.

It's so hot, the curse mark pulsed on my back.

"You leave too, Estella." I gaze at Estella's trembling figure as I remove my suit jacket and shirt. The heat was unbearable to keep wearing them.

"We have a contract. I said I would help you so here I am." She steps closer.

This isn't what the contract meant by help.

"You can't do anything about the curse. So leave before you get hurt." I grumble through the pain.

I feel as the shadows make contact with her skin once more.


Need more!

They begin to soften as they explore Estella's body.

Her hand reaches for mine, and I pull away once more. They will hurt her.

I watch with squinted eyes as she closes hers and holds my hands tighter.

She releases a short yell as her face scrunches.

What is she doing?

The tears that weren't falling before, now rushed down her pink cheeks.

Her face matched my anguished face.

But the pain was easing as if it was disappearing.



The shadows softly wrapped around her waist. I was in awe at how the pain was vanishing from my body.

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