Los Angeles Olympics 2028

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The two Japan teams worked as hard as ever.

From hitting the gym for strength to practicing countless hours everyday for volleyball, both teams were convered with sweat as they panted for a water break.

And Takumi, as always, was sitting on the bleachers, working on her summer homework and tutoring and helping some students online. When she was on a break, she would look at the team's progress and waving at Ran.

One of her students was a handsome Japanese boy named Ryo Yamaguchi. He was two years below her with the goal of a medical major as well. Takumi was helping the boy with his college applications.

"Ryo-kun! Konbanwa!" Takumi greeted Ryo. The two were in different parts of the world.

"Konbanwa and Konnichiwa, Takumi-san!" Ryo smiled as he stared at the girl from his screen.

"Let's get on with your application, okay?" Takumi said as Ryo nodded. The two then opened the Google Doc where the two were drafting Ryo's application.

"Okay, I finished my Personal Growth part yesterday. And today, can we work on the 'what captivates you?' question?" Ryo asked as Takumi nodded.

"I would think about what your goals are, the people around you, and the things you like to do, Ryo-kun," Takumi advised, "for mine, I wrote about my dream of becoming a doctor because I wanted to help others. Ever since I saw someone come to school with a cast on their leg or arm, I just feel so inspired to do that one day."

"It's the same for me," Ryo admitted, "my mom died from breast cancer and I want to be a oncologist (cancer doctor) so that no one has to lose a loved one due to the illness like I did."

"Gomen, Ryo-kun," Takumi said genuinely, feeling pity for the younger boy.

"It's fine, Takumi-san. It was when I was seven, and I know that she's watching me right now proudly," Ryo smiled painfully.

"You need to add that, Ryo-kun. Tell them why you were captivated by the event. Tell them why you were inspired," Takumi said determinedly.

The team was on a water break as Yuki and Ran looked at Takumi in the bleachers, who was smiling at her computer.

They could hear her say, "Oh Ryo-kun, you're too funny! But enough of the jokes, you finished that part of your application tonight. You should go to bed!"

The two couldn't hear what the person in the computer said as Takumi had her AirPods on.

"Oyasumi, Ryo-kun! Sleep well, I'll see you tomorrow!" Takumi smiled as she shut her laptop.

"Looks like you have competition, Ran-kun," Yuki smirked as he looked at the younger male, who was clenching his fists.

"Joking, Ran-kun. I'm 100% sure she likes you," Yuki chuckled as he patted Ran on the shoulder.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝙵𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝙷𝚞𝚜𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍 | 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒Where stories live. Discover now