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📍ST. GEORGE'S COLLEGE Winchester Park North St, Kingston
February 23, Thursday.


Johannah Kamarii Carmen |18

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Johannah Kamarii Carmen |18

Standing in front of the school gate, I took a deep breath with tishoy and Nickolette beside.

"Yuh ready?" Tishoy asked, and I looked at her confused.

"Den nuh muss, yuh feel like a movie this?" I asked while laughing.

Yesterday was my last day of suspension. I wasn't really too excited

Walking in the school, we started a conversation.

"So maybe we could go out on Saturday?" Tishoy asked.

"I dont know."

Walking past someone I didn't quite pay much attention to, but soon I tripped over something that felt like someone's foot.


"Hannah, you OK?" Tishoy asked, helping me up.

Turning to around to see what it was, i realised it was jayvon who tripped me after seeing him laughing while walking off.

"The boy disgusting" I said while standing up.

"Who yah talk?" Nickolette asked.

"Nuh jayvon," I said.

"A him trip yuh?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Kmt, come on,"

Free session.

Nickolette Malia Simpson |18

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Nickolette Malia Simpson |18

"So what's your dream car?" I said, trying to get their attention.

We were on free period, but all they do is text people or watch tiktok not once giving me their attention, and I can't even take their phones away because it would go South.

"Uhm, i dont know, maybe hellcat." Tishoy said, turning her attention back to her phone.

"i don't know  maybe a porche, I would be ok with anything." Johannah, her eyes glued to her phone.

"From ever since unuh get back unuh phone unuh just ignore me like hello im right here" I said.

"It's call having nomophobia, " Tishoy said, giving me her attention.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused.

"It basically a fear of being detached from our phones like I literally couldn't live without it. I cried the whole time, plus I have to check my notifications." Johannah said, going back to her phone.

"Uh ok" is all I said.

"What hair should I do for  summer?" Tishoy asked, breaking the silence.

"Look how far summer deh," Johannah said, looking away from her phone.

"So I'm planning to get Bohemian braid." Tishoy said, showing us a phone of the braids.

After a couple of minutes we were still doing nothing until Johannah began to speak.

"I don't know weh mi do jayvon but from morning him nuh stop bother mi" she said.

"A wah?" I asked.

"So basically unuh know already him trip mi earlier and when mi in IT class the boy sit down beside a mi and scribbling in a mi book for NO REASON and when mi fi answer a question regarding to the work mi end up get it wrong although it easy him come call mi dunce, kmt mi tell mi self fi nuh mek him ruin things enuh oh" she said.

"So a now yah tell we dat?" Tishoy asked.

"Oh please," she said, going back to their phones

Rolling my eyes, I went back to doing nothing.

"Cyaa even talk to unuh anymore," I mumbled.

"You're very funny," Tishoy said.


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