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♪ pretty hair━━━━━━━

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pretty hair

Today they had to hand in their group work.

Miyuki had worked hard to finish it on time, but it was finally done.

As she walked down the corridor towards her classroom, she saw Riki coming up in front of her.

And she suddenly stopped.

"What the hell, you're dressed the same as me !" Riki shouted from the other end of the corridor.

"Stop copying me, Riki !"

"No way, you're the one copying me Miyuki !"

Riki continued chewing towards the girl as she tried to defend herself about Riki copying her.

"I know it's you who-"

"Arh stop screaming you're hurting my ears !" he said, sticking his hands over his ears.

Miyuki released her face and froze, then laughed.

Riki crossed his arms and looked Miyuki up and down. "Actually, it doesn't really bother me that we're dressed alike."

"It bothers me." Miyuki said, mocking him.

"That's what couples do."

"We're not a couple, Riki !"

"Yes, but we did it without even talking about it, we're meant to be together Miyuki !" Riki tapped her shoulder and Miyuki rolled her eyes."You love me so much that you even copy me in my outfits."

"You're talking nonsense !" Miyuki said, trying to defend herself.

"It doesn't matter my shining voice, I don't blame you." he said, stroking the back of her head. "By the way, how's your back ?"

"I put some cream on it yesterday. It's less red."

Riki nodded. "Good news."

Their teacher arrived and they settled in.

The rest of the class took their seats and Riki met Yokai's gaze. He quickly lowered his head and began playing with his pen.

Yokai looked at Miyuki and frowned. She looked at Riki again and then at Miyuki.

Really ?

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