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♪ My shining voice━━━━━━━━━━

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My shining voice

Miyuki sat in the cold.

She didn't really know why she was there, but she'd wanted to see if the white swan was going to be here.

Maybe the lake was too cold, because the swan wasn't swimming.

Yet she was still sitting on the grass under her favorite tree, watching the moon's reflection on the lake.

The stars twinkled in the sky and the cold wind moved her hair.

She heard footsteps behind her and quickly turned to see who was there at that hour.

"Sorry if I scared you, Miyuki." Riki said, seeing the young girl's distraught look.

"It's all right." she replied, looking back at the lake.

"Why aren't you at home ?" he asked, sitting down next to her.

"I wanted to see the swan, but it's not there."

"If it's not here, why are you staying ?"

"Maybe he'll come."

Riki looked away from the girl and back at the moonlit lake.

"He's probably asleep."

The two sat quietly and Riki took it upon himself not to run home.

He could barely move his fingertips, which had turned completely red.

The air was so cold here.

He turned his gaze to Miyuki's hands, which hadn't even been tucked into her coat. She had slender fingers and her nails protruded a little of her fingers.

Riki moved his eyes up to her face and saw her cheeks flushed red, lightly covered by her scarf.

Then he saw her bandage.

"You must be healed by now."

Miyuki turned her head towards him and frowned. Riki raised his hand to her forehead and Miyuki understood what he was talking about.

She smiled and said, "It's keeping me warm."

Riki laughed too and looked at the lake. There was no movement on the water. There was no wind, yet Riki thought it was getting colder.

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