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The bell rang as Kinney walked into class. Billy was already there, and the seat next to him was empty.

Kinney glanced around the room and saw another empty seat by Randy meeks.

Quickly deciding to sit next to Randy, she rushed over and sat down next to him, startling him.

Billy turned and looked at her. She avoided looking at him. A look of hurt flashes through his eyes , staring at Kinney with confusion.

He turned his gaze at Randy and glared at him. While Randy shrugged at him in return.

"Talk to her." Billy mouthed to Randy, and Randy shook his head, and Billy glared at him even more, and Randy sighed.

Randy cleared his throat, "So, Kinney, uh, Kin? Can I call you kin? I'm gonna call you kin,"

Kinney turned and looked at Randy, "why are you sitting with me and not with Billy?"

"Because I wanted to sit with you. Can't I sit with you?" Kinney quietly asked, and Randy blushed

"Well, um, yes, I mean, yeah, you can sit on me - I mean next to me." Randy rambled, his cheeks turning redder.

Kinney awkwardly chuckled, "Thanks."

- -

Billy walked through the hallway and spotted Kinney by her locker. He walked over to her, slamming his hand on the locker next to her, earning a startled squeal from her.

Billy thought it was adorable, but it wasn't the time to fan boy about it.

"Why did you sit with that geek instead of me?" Billy questioned, and Kinney looked at him, her eyes were wide,

"I..cause I wanted to sit next to Randy." Kinney replied, and Billy scoffed.

"Nobody willingly wants to sit next to Randy." Billy told her, and Kinney chuckled, holding her books tightly against her chest

"Well, I do." She closed her locker and turned around and started to walk away, and Billy followed her.

"Okay, then why do you willing want to sit next to him?" Billy questioned before his eyes widened

"Please tell me you don't have a crush on him?" Billy asked, stopping her from walking away.

The two stood in the middle of the hall. Kinney didn't answer him, and Billy scoffed.

"Randy meeks, are you serious!?" Students turned their heads and looked at them.

Kinney blushed as people stared at them while Billy could care less.

"It's not a big deal if I sit with Randy and not you, Billy." Kinney quietly told him before she started to walk.

Billy rolled his eyes and followed her, "it is a big deal. It's a very big deal to me."

Kinney stopped and faced him , her eyes cold, and it surprised Billy. "Why? Huh? Cause you can't cheat off me anymore, huh? You can't copy off my notes? Huh?"

"Whoa, kin, I want you to sit next to me because you're my second best friend." Billy told her, and Kinney scoffed.

"Yeah, right. Now excuse me but I have to get to class." She told him before walking away from him, leaving Billy standing in the hallway alone.

"Fucking idiot." Billy mumbled to himself.

- -

Stu Macher was sitting in class, bored out of his mind when he was startled when books slammed next to him.

He turned his head and smiled at he spotted Kinney, the girl of his dreams, his childhood crush, the girl he always wanted to ask out but always chickened out in the end.

"Hey, kin." He greeted, and Kinney looked at him, smiling a little. "Hey, stu."

"So, I heard about what happened during the second period." Stu whispered to her

"I just left second period. How did you find out so fast?" Kinney questioned

Stu smirked ,"Randy. He was saying how he almost got killed by Billy during second period."

Kinney sighed ,"So, you're avoiding him cause of that crush of yours?"

Yeah, another reason why stu never asked out Kinney was because he knew that he was going to get rejected since Kinney liked Billy.

Everyone always liked Billy and never stu. Stu was the one that everyone thought of as a friend and not someone who could like or love.

It wasn't fair, but he wasn't gonna blame Billy.

"No." It was a lie, and stu knew it, but he didn't push it.

"Okay, can you draw a cat on my arm , I would do it, but I can't draw on myself. It's too hard." Stu said, and Kinney nodded



Word count - 743

Hope you enjoy!

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