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So, now I had to find out my theriotype. I remember my first thought was a feline. So here's the list of theriotypes I considered:

Cheetahs (I failed miserably at cheetah quads)

Servals (I thought they were cool)

wildcats (As well, I thought they were cool)

Tigers (I had like ONE tiger shift)

I felt lost. I just didn't feel a full connection. Then, I did some research about alligators. And I thought that was it. I was an Alligator therian. I did alligator quads, looked at gear online, until I didn't feel the connection anymore. I thought I was a bat for a while. Then I didn't feel that. Then, in one of those days lying in my yard questioning, I remembered the dream. I had a dog's soul. I searched for hours, of what dog breeds I might have been. I questioned a hyena, a maned wolf, a golden retriever, a grey wolf, a german shepherd, and then I found it. A siberian husky. And If you read my bio, you know that's a theriotype I consider mine right now. Along with a habit of trilling, and wing shifts, I found out I was a pigeon. But there was still something. Something I found out very recently, that I'm an owl therian. Specifically, an eastern screech owl.

And those are my theriotypes! remember, young therians, though it took me only about like three months to find my theriotype

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And those are my theriotypes! remember, young therians, though it took me only about like three months to find my theriotype. But it takes some therians YEARS to find theirs. And heck, some therians don't even have theriotypes. Theirs are fluid. So um, *doesn't know what to say here* Don't give up, I guess. Also, you may see therians with gear and doing Quads, but remember. You don't need to do those things to be a therian! So connect in whatever way you want to as long as it isn't hurting anyone or anything.

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