77 : Epilogue 3

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August 2024

A fireplace in the British Ministry of Magic's international floo network flared suddenly to life, and a young woman appeared inside it, a small suitcase in hand. Her large, silver eyes were wide as the green flames died away, and she stepped out of the fireplace, taking in the high, vaulting ceiling of Ministry Atrium before looking into the crowd of wizards and witches bustling through.

"Aurore!" called a voice.

Several people turned to see Ginny Weasley hurrying across the room with her son, James Potter, a few steps behind her. Ginny crushed the young woman in a hug that lasted for several minutes before stepping back and studying Aurore.

"Look at you. Look at you! It's been so many years. I was afraid I wouldn't recognize you, but you look just so much like your mum," Ginny said, looking as though she were on the verge of tears.

Aurore smiled. "Yes," she said in a voice that hinted a slight New Zealand accent, "Father always says that."

Ginny shook her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe they finally let you come. I was sure you'd stay in New Zealand or maybe end up in Australia. Your mum wrote that you had offers pouring in after you aced all the exams-"

Aurore's cheeks reddened, and she looked down awkwardly at her shoes.

Ginny chuckled. "Don't blush. We all knew you were brilliant. But here you are in Britain, after all these years."

Aurore gave a smirk that was not reminiscent of her mother at all. "Well, they knew I'd always wanted to visit, but finding out I'd applied and gotten an offer from Gringotts was a surprise for them."

Ginny reached back and grabbed hold of James, pulling him forward into the conversation. Aurore and James' eyes met for a moment before dropping away.

"I still wish you'd gone to school at Hogwarts like James. I tried to convince your mum to let you, but New Zealand was about as far as either of your parents would consider when you were eleven. I know the two of you write constantly, but your studious qualities really failed to rub off intercontinentally. I'm sure you remember how James barely scraped by with the OWLs he needed to become an auror. I nearly died of shame. Professor of DADA, and my own son barely got an A."

James turned bright red and ran a hand awkwardly through his wild hair. "Mum! I got serious about grades for my NEWTs. You can't keep bringing up something from fours years ago."

Ginny gave an undignified snort. "I'll bring it up as long as I want. I couldn't meet anyone's eyes in the teacher's lounge for the first month of your sixth year."

James looked as if he wanted the floor to swallow him.

Ginny laughed, seemingly oblivious of the wizards and witches eavesdropping around them in the Atrium. "Well, maybe you can knock some sense into him now that you're in England. He's like Harry was all over again-always has to be the hero, even in training simulations." Ginny's eyes grew briefly misty before she blinked and gave another laugh. "He could use a friend who's level-headed and pragmatic rather than another Gryffindor like me. I'm always torn between pride and a howler."

The hollows of James' cheeks were stained scarlet. Aurore gave an awkward, tight-lipped smile and bobbed her head.

An elderly witch nearby cleared her throat. Ginny turned.

"Ginny, I haven't seen you since last month's memorial. How are you, dear?"

Ginny assumed a tight, practiced smile. "Mrs Tutley, I'm doing well-enjoying the summer before school begins. We're expecting a larger first year this September, and James is just finishing his second year of auror training."

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