75 : Epilogue 1

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High Reeve Killed in Fiendfyre Accident

Draco Malfoy killed by father in shocking murder-suicide case at Malfoy Manor.

Draco Malfoy, a prominent figure in the Dark Lord's government, and his father, a widower, are suspected to have died in a house fire.

Aurors are still investigating the case. The official statement from the Department of Magical Law enforcement is that the cause of the fire remains unknown, but officials speaking off-record have confirmed the fire possesses all signs of having been fiendfyre that was intentionally set and sustained.

Photos of the Malfoy Manor ruins are almost identical to the ruins of the Lestrange Manor fire from several years before. "Everyone knew Lucius was obsessed with that fire," an unnamed source says, "he obtained all the records and files and revisited the Lestrange ruins dozens of times. It's almost undeniable that the fire was a recreation. It's so tragic: he never got over Narcissa's death."

Close family friends say that Lucius abandoned most of his obligations following his wife's death, handing over the title and estate to Draco, who was twenty years old at the time. Lucius has rarely returned to Britain in the years following, but during his most recent visit his behavior had been notably erratic. Aurors speaking off-record confirm that Lucius is now suspected in several cases of missing persons, including Astoria Malfoy, who vanished less than twenty-four hours after returning from a summer holiday in France.

There were persistent rumours of tension between father and son. Although outwardly cordial, they were rarely seen together, and Lucius did not return from his post abroad for Draco's wedding in 2003.

The title and responsibilities of High Reeve are expected to be transferred to another Death Eater within the week. There are several Generals under consideration. However, at the time of printing, there is no official statement from the Dark Lord regarding a successor or about the deaths of Draco and Lucius.

The loss of a family line as old and distinguished as the Malfoy Family is a devastating blow to the wizarding world. Draco was the last of both the Malfoy and Black families. A healer from the Repopulation Program has confirmed that the surrogate to Draco Malfoy also died in the fire. She was four months pregnant with a Malfoy heir.


After two weeks of sleeping, Draco and Hermione finally emerged. Draco immediately went to check all the wards on the island. After he came back, he gave Hermione a full tour of the house. She gripped his hand when they went into the gardens.

They walked around a corner and found Ginny watching James attempt to scale a pagoda. She gave a tight smile when she saw them.

"Good, you're up. I wasn't sure when you'd stop hibernating." She eyed Draco. "There's someone who's been waiting to see you. Topsy!"

There was an immediate pop as Topsy materialised. She stood staring up at Draco for a moment, her hands clasped together and her enormous eyes shining. Then she stepped forward and kicked Draco.

"Topsy is so angry at you!" she said as her toes collided with his shin. "Topsy is never been so angry in all her life."

She wrapped her arms around Draco's leg and started sobbing. "You sent Topsy away without goodbye. Topsy thought you would be dead!"

She buried her face in his clothes and howled with tears for several minutes until Draco awkwardly reached down and patted her head.

Ginny gave him a pointed look. "When she arrived and found out you were both here, she refused to believe it until she went to see for herself, and then she cried for the rest of the day. I can't believe you sent her here like that."

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