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006 ⎯⎯⎯ piece by piece.

I see Buggy has come up with some new torture methods since I've last been a part of the crew. Luffy taps on the glass, Buggy slowly turning around.

The moment he does, I launch the blade I stole from Cabaji, hitting the glass box right in the center and causing cracks to run rapid up the sides. It's only a few seconds later that it shatters, water beginning to spill out.

Buggy seems freaked, "where are my freaks?!"

Zoro steps up next to me, Nami beside him, "they're not coming."

Luffy falls out of the glass enclosure, coughing up water, along with the map. Rather than try and grab it he turns, going for his hat instead.

This boy and this stupid hat.

I glance at Zoro, "lend me a sword."

"Why? Can you even-"

I ignore him, pulling out one of his black swords. I turn it over in my hands, it's pretty light so I'll have to be more direct with my swings.

Buggy picks up the map, turning to where we're standing, "you wanna piece of me? Come get it."

I watch as Zoro runs at him, attempting to chop him into pieces.

It doesn't work, of course.

Buggy just breaks himself apart, a wicked grin spreading across his face as the pieces of his body fly around us, "surprise shitheads!"

I stride over to Zoro, standing next to him as we watch Buggy fly around us, "how am I supposed to chop up a guy who's already in pieces?"

Nami joins us, "this was not a part of the plan."

I lower myself, ready to fight, "time to adjust the plan."

The pieces of Buggy begin to attack us and I get stuck with his ugly ass boots. They fly at me from different sides and I duck, the boots hitting each other. I quickly slip my sword through the side of the right shoe, sticking it into the group.

I turn to the other boot but it's gone.


It kicks me in the back, sending me into the wall separating the audience from the circus. I hear Buggy begin to monologue again and roll my eyes, pulling myself to a seated position.

"Looks like someone escaped my tank of doom!" He grabs Zoro's sword, freeing his last missing body part, "well I'll be back for you, right after I tear apart your sad excuse for a crew!"

"You can dump seawater on me, and I'll let it slide," I watch as luffy places his hat on his head, an angry expression twisting onto his face, "but don't you ever threaten my friends."


He whips his fist at Buggy, punching right through his chest only for his body to piece right back together. Buggy winks, "so you wanna die first? Be my guest."

His arms and legs begin to break apart, "chop chop canon!"

I watch as Luffy tries to dodge the flying pieces of Buggy, one of his hands stealing his hat, the other pinning him to the ground. My eyes scan the circus, landing on a pile of open crates and barrels.

"Luffy! The crates!"

I jump up, grabbing the arm that has Luffy held down. I chuck it across the ring, Nami swiftly hitting it into a box. Zoro seems to catch on, stick a sword through Buggy's torso and slinging it over to Nami.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! That's not fair!"

We continue this, piece by piece until only the man's head is left.

"What have you done to me?" Buggy whines.

I pick up Luffy's hat, handing it to him, "cut you down to size."

"The One Piece will never be yours! You're just a sad lonely little boy! Wearing another man's hat!"

He really must've run out of jokes.

"I know exactly who I am," Luffy flashes me a smile, placing his hat back on his head, "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! And I'm gonna be king of the pirates!"

* * *

"So..." Nami glances at me unsurely, "how exactly did you know Buggy?"

Everyone's eyes turn to me and I can feel their curiosity brewing.

I sigh, "I used to be part of his crew. Back when I first...ended up on the seas, he discovered my talent and took me in I guess. Realized they weren't the kind of pirates I wanted to be with after a few months. Had to leave."

Luffy frowns, "how'd you end up on the seas?"

I glare at him.

"Is that... a circus?"

I look up at the big red and white tent looming over me. It's definitely a circus. Though I've never seen one on a ship before.

I lug my sword with me, sheathing it on my back as I make my way towards the boat, looking around it. My eyes stop on a blue haired man.

He turns to me and my eyes widen.

His nose...

He narrows his eyes at me, "what're you doing kid? Get out of here."

I squint at him, "is this your boat?"

He nods, "what about it?"

I glance around. I've been stuck on this island for days. There's basically nothing here but rotten people and animals. In hindsight leaving with nothing but my sword and a picture wasn't ideal.

My best bet of leaving would be with these guys.

"Are you taking new crew members?"

He scoffs, "what could a scrawny kid like you have to offer me?"

I grin, "I think I'm pretty strong."

My bright demeanor must've thrown him off because his face falls, his brows knitting together. He kneels down to my level, "your look like someone I know."

I nod, "my name's Sora, please let me join your crew!"



I snap out of my haze, looking back up to Luffy.

That girl, who so naively befriended anyone who came her way, she was an idiot.

I think back to Luffy's question, deciding to answer it simply, "me and my dad moved around a lot when I was young, never really stayed anywhere long enough to make friends. One day I was sick of it, we fought, and I left."

I left. Yeah right.

"Your dad was a pirate too?"

I stand, "that's enough, I'm going to lay down."

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