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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>The last days are reborn>Chapter 190: Promotion

Chapter 190: Promotion

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Chapter 190: Promotion

Just when the two of them were cultivating their abilities in the secret room, a steady stream of alienated people came to the Kyoto base from all directions. In a few days, the sky above the Kyoto base was filled with flying aliens again. Seeing such a scene, the people hiding under the base in Kyoto did not dare to come out. And there was no order from above, and the troops at the base could only hide underground and watch.

If the army at the base doesn't go out to kill the enemy, the other mercenary groups won't go out, and everyone is afraid of death at this time.

In the past few days, the doctor alienated person will come out to shout every day, and the content will remain the same, that is, to hand over Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu. After shouting, the Doctor Alien waited for a while before leaving.

After leaving, it did not sit idle, but summoned aliens everywhere, so the number of aliens besieging the Kyoto base did not decrease with the passage of time, but increased.

In the face of more and more alienated people, the people hiding underground are becoming more and more irritable and panicked, not everyone has so much food stored at home, many people have run out of food, and many more people are about to run out of food. As a result, the dungeon is now a place where thefts and robberies are staged all the time, and the dungeon is chaotic.

"Why didn't the base leaders send people out to strangle the aliens? If I continue like this, even if I don't die in the alien population, I will be starved to death, how can I live this life?

"Let's make do with it, live one day at a time."

"It's better to live like this than to die."

"You can't think like that, it's better to die than to live, make do with life." The two of them were chattering there.

"Hey, that alienated person shouts every day to let our base hand over Zhao Fan Xu Ruchu, why don't you say that Zhao Fan Xu Ruchu doesn't take the initiative to go out, these two people are too selfish, is the life of so many people in the Kyoto base not as valuable as the lives of the two of them?"

"You can't say that, they go out and die, will you go out if this matter is on you?"

"If one of my lives could save everyone's lives, I would go out. Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu are really selfish.

"Huh." She didn't believe it.

At this time, there was such a discussion everywhere in the dungeon, and most people thought that Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu were too selfish and disregarded the lives of tens of millions of people in the Kyoto base. Only a small number of people expressed their understanding of Zhao Fan and Xu Ruchu. At this time, all the selfishness of man is exposed.

"The third child, haven't the two children of Zhao Fan and Ruchu yet appeared?" Zhou Ruya looked at Zhao Yonghui and asked.

"Nope." Zhao Yonghui sat on an earthen stool and said, "I haven't seen since I left that night."

Listening to Zhao Yonghui's words, Zhou Ruya said with a worried face: "Were those two children injured that night?"

"Mom, don't worry, there are little monster trees around them, even if they are injured, it doesn't matter, a green light from the little monster tree can cure them." Zhao Yonghui said.

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