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At ten past ten in the morning I sit in front of the TV, staring blankly at the moving images but not actually hearing whatever it is that Jake says to Captain Holt. Stella chuckles from where she sits on the other sofa so, whatever it is, it must be funny. We're all low-key obsessed with 'Brooklyn Nine Nine' in this house, although I can't keep my attention away from my phone long enough to appreciate this particular episode.

It sits on the arm of the sofa next to me, screen blank and silent. I haven't heard from Bailey at all and she's been gone for the best part of four hours by now. The lack of contact is either a really good or a really bad sign. I'm praying for the former.

I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't the first time she's gone off to the Coleman's. She's been once before and was fine that time, and for all I know she could've been secretly sneaking off to meet Alex ever since. She only needs me today because she's going to be gone for an indefinite amount of time, the whole day if the two of them are seriously going to try and cram nine films in, but it would be easy to make up some excuse to Stella about after school detentions so they could hang out for just an hour or two. Stella and George wouldn't even question it, neither would I. She's always getting in trouble at school anyway.

When Stella asked I did as I promised Bailey I would and lied through my teeth. She bought it, as Bailey knew she would, and went on about how nice it was to see Bailey coming out of her shell a bit. It's not very often she goes to hang out with friends. Unsurprisingly, most people usually piss her off.

Unless they're Alex Coleman, apparently.

I frown at the thought, face twisting like I've eaten something sour. I quickly smooth it out when Stella turns to look at me, though.

"Do you think the boys are actually planning on getting out of bed today?" she wonders, the question including George who is also yet to surface from the confinements of their bedroom. Neither he nor Stella were woken up by Bailey's banging about this morning which just goes to show how tired they must've been. They both work much too hard, it can't be good for them.

George works as a bank manager and Stella is a copyeditor, often able to do most of her work from home. That doesn't stop her from working her butt off, though, especially now that us kids have grown up a bit and don't need constant supervision.

"Probably not."

There's a knock at the door and Stella and I frown in confusion, as far as I know no one's expecting anyone today. Then a sinking feeling forms in the pit of my stomach and I jump up before Stella has the chance to.

"I'll get it," I call out, already heading for the front door.

Something's wrong with Bailey, something's wrong with Bailey, something's wrong with Bailey, something's wrong with-

"Hey," I say, somewhat surprised as I find my boyfriend standing on the other side of the door, a bright smile on his face and a bunch of carnations (my favourite flower) held in his hand.

His smile fades slightly as he takes in the sight of me, still barefoot in my pyjamas.

"You forgot," he says it as a statement not a question and, just like that, I remember. We're supposed to be making up for last weekend today but with my mind so focussed on Bailey I completely forgot.

"Oh, shoot," I say, slapping my hand to my forehead as the guilt suddenly zips through me. "I'm so sorry."

I'm such a bad girlfriend.

He shakes off my apology, smile returning. "Well, that's okay, we can always just stay here-"

"No," I shake my head. "We agreed on a day out and a day out we will have. Just give me, like, fifteen minutes to get ready. Then I'm all yours."

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