sobering questions

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"Let's go celebrate!" Nanon said, gently slapping me on the back. "It's not everyday that your big bro gets a fancy internship."

I looked at him with his goofy smile. I'm happy for him. "You know what? You're right. We might as well go celebrate, because this company must be out of their mind to hire you!"

"Hey! Chi!" He said, playfully pushing me away.

"I'll call Perth, Mark, Ice, and Peak so that we can go out tonight. If you want you can invite Pond and Neo to come as well. I haven't seen them in a while."

I smiled, "They're both infatuated with their partners, so I don't know if they'll come at the last minute."

"Oh well! Just ask them anyway," he said.

I do miss my friends as well. I've spent a little time with Pond in the last two weeks. But we both have boyfriends so it's not like we have that much free time either.

Calling Pond, he sounded excited to go out. However, he already had plans.

Then, going home to get ready, I got nervous once again. I've wanted to go out to a club with my boyfriend. But that'll still have to wait for another time. This time, there will be the watchful eyes of so many people.


I was pretty tired from last night. I really wanted to dance with Perth, but there's no way I could have done that with Non and their other friends around. Luckly, I'll see Perth today for a date. It seems like it was so long ago that we had our first date.

Meeting up with Perth, I was set in a casual looking suit. Dark tan dress pants with a black tank top under the tan blazer. I wanted to dress well, but not over the top. Apparently my boyfriend thought the same, because we was wearing nice slacks and a silky button up shirt.

I drove, pulling into valet at the lounge we decided on. "This way gentlemen," a valet boy said, guiding us to the building entrance.

As we rode the elevator up, I snuck a longing look to Perth. He's boyfriend material with that visual surety he has when standing beside me or letting me go first. He's only a few centimeters taller, but his confidence makes the difference feel larger.

We got to the rooftop lounge, Perth led me to a table that was somewhat secluded from the rest of the tables. His hand on my lower back gave me goosebumps.

"You can sit here," Perth said, pulling out a chair. I sat and he pulled his seat closer towards mine. His hand landed on my leg with his shoulders leaning towards me.

"I've never been here, but the reviews say that the potstickers are amazing," he said.

"Wow that sounds great." I said, looking at him. His eyes were like looking into a vast galaxy. They were as fierce as always, which made me nervous and shy. I looked out onto the city as midafternoon hit.

"I bet this view is even more spectacular at night," I mumbled. Feeling his gaze on me, I felt a tickle climb up my back.

We had a great time with the small meal and a great view of Bangkok. I told him all about my hopes for after university. He eagerly asked follow up questions like he was genuinely interested. This was one of the things that made me like him in the first place. Whether it was with my brother, with me, or with another friend, he had this caring demeanor that showed that you're important. This of course made me overthink each interaction we had. But now, I know that he's truly interested in me since he's my boyfriend.

Getting to the hotel room he reserved, I pulled off my blazer and placed it on a coffee table. My arms now exposed felt the coolness of the air. I turned to see Perth pouring two glasses of water from the complementary bottle of water.

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