Chapter 27

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"So I've been asleep for a hundred years. How is that possible?"

"You're mated to a curse dragon love. You live as long as I do."

"The world is gone Kellam. You've lost it."

"I know." Selah look at him and before pulling him into his arms.

"I don't love you less Kellam. You've just release all you've been bottling up for centuries. I love you then and I love you more now."

"Isn't this touching." A nail against board voice filled the room. Kellam jump to his feet and Selah follow. "You let your guard down King Kellam. I could have killed her bit I don't kill people who can't give me a good fight."


"My stupid sister give you her powers and I want it."

Selah frown and then she remember the woman before she pass out.

"You killed her."

"She was so damn stubborn. The eternal crystal should have been mine and she give it to some stupid human. Now I will kill you and take it."

Kellam push Selah behind him.

"Oh no pretty boy. My fight is with her not you."

Selah cry out as a bolt of pain hit her abdomen.

"Fight it Selah. I know you can do it."

"I can't move."

Selah grit her teeth and push to her feet. Her eyes glow blue as she glare at Iris. Iris laugh as darkness surround her.

"You're the darkness."

"Fortunately. Who want faery power when you can have something stronger?"

She cackle and words start spewing from Selah's lips.

"No! How can you do that?"

Selah scream them louder as she fight the dark magic surrounding her.

"You hurt my people!"

"I'm not going down like this! A human can't defeat me."

"I'm a Queen!"

A ball of white light shot at Iris and her screams filled the castle.

"You hurt my mate!"

Another ball of light hit Iris.

"You hurt everyone I love!"

The largest ball of white light hit Iris zapping all of Selah's energy.

"Go to hell!"

The ball exploded sending everything and everyone flying back. Kellam crawl to Selah and bring her head to his lap.


"So tired. Is she gone?"

"She's gone." She smile before closing her eyes. Kellam kiss her head. Everything was finally over. "Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin."

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