Possible Final Good-bye

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This has to be the final strike okay, I can't keep writing if so many people keep saying the same thing.

"This is just a copy."

"Isn't this the same story?"

"This is unoriginal, I've seen a million of these."

Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

This is suppose to be a Gate fanfiction, what you want me to write a completely different story not revolving around the concept?

These types of criticism is what angers me, like I said over a million times already.

"If you don't like it, THEN DON'T READ IT ANY FURTHER!"

Do you seriously look at this book and say to yourself.

"Hmmm, I don't like this book, but instead of just leaving and minding my own business towards this rookie author, I'm gonna write an unnecessary and useless complaint about it, the author wouldn't read it anyway."

Please, for the love of my sanity.

Just. Fucking. LEAVE.

I'm delaying so much potential on the next chapter if y'all can't just leave.

So many of you just can't find any source to leave me the fuck alone.

How many times do I have to look at comments saying that a Ballistae doesn't shoot rocks like a catapult.

ITS THE FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER DIPSHITS, can't y'all give me a goddamn chance?!


You wanna call me a dumbass because I made a clear and honest mistake about the damn Ballistae, I ALREADY FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MISTAKE SO DON'T FUCKING SAY FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME!

I swear to God, I am THIS CLOSE on discontinuing this shit, the amount of complains about the Abrams against the Fire Dragon is so FUCKING stupid.

I know a 120mm cannon can easily kill that slow moving oversized overgrown red lizard, but for the sake of the GODDAMN PLOT it's gotta happen in a different way, what you want me to bring actual real life shit in this story, even the bad ones?

You want a 16 year old Filipino guy to join the USMC, which I have to to immigrate to the US and wait YEARS for my full citizenship, be deployed to war, watch people die and witness actual warfare, before eventually leaking classified military documents like it's a fucking Warthunder forum for the sake of realism, is that what y'alls asses want?

Also, to you Americans and Non-Americans that bring your shitty and stupid politics into the story, please shut the fuck up.

I don't wanna hear you say that the guy who got a mugshot this year or the guy that keeps falling down stairs or the guy that drone strikes hospitals would be better Presidents than a fictional President in a fictional version of your broken country that cleans a city full of shit for a communist dictator, so just shut up.

Y'all are seriously acting like those neck bearded and hypocritical "Star Wars" fans that send death threat's to JJ Abrams, yes I don't like the Sequels, but to the point that I send those kinds of messages to him?

Fuck no!

It's not funny not make fun of someone (unless their an old ass politician or annoying little shits who watch Skibidi toilet), I know this generation has gone soft.

But out right telling people, especially to teens or young adults that are just doing their best to go kill themselves and never post anything again is so fucked up.

I feel like I don't wanna post anymore chapters because of people like those, and I have a feeling a majority of my reader's are those kinds of people.

I probably won't post anymore, everything has just gone terrible for me.

I have sensitive emotions, so being insulted or criticize just because of my work or the way I am, hurts me in every part of my body, so please understand.

I am going through so much mental and emotional turmoil by the events of my personal life, so if yor waiting for another chapter in this book or my other books.

Please wait.

I am going through such a rough time with so much pain and heartbreak that this book, once a comfort zone for me to express myself suddenly being a toxic environment like all the other places I've been in, breaks my heart.

So please, just leave me alone and give me time to rest, I don't wanna lose another comfort zone with people I actually like suddenly turn against me, I've been through so much of that.

So just please, PLEASE understand that I am still a child that is mentally, emotionally and physically broken, I want you all to understand that I am not an adult, I am still young with so much to learn about.

If you can't handle me, then leave me. Because that's how she broke up with me.

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