Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle

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April 30th

Empire of Sadera

City of Sadera

The Fall of Sadera has already been widely controversial on Earth for the bombing of civilian and military targets on the capital city, the war became even more controversial when the Russians came in, some American politician's still distrust the Russian's after the 7Eleven attack, but thankfully President Jamison was able to calm down these controversial topics to focus more on the war against the Empire.

"Even if it's been a week since the capture of Sadera, the city has seen some things, destroyed homes, thousands of corpses of civilian and Imperial soldiers scattered around the streets, it's tough to imagine what they think of us back home after this war." Colonel William said, looking over the destroyed city in the walls of the district of Akusho.

"Colonel, i don't know how long this city would take to rebuild." Liutenant Gonzalez said.

"Don't worry about it, we got their Capital and lowered the Saderan's morale to the point that they would simply run away than fight us, it's a win." Colonel William said.

"Colonel William!" A voice shouted below them.

The two looked over and sees a US Army Soldier, Corporal Mitchell.

"What is it Corporal?" Colonel William asked.

"The Russian and Ukrainian Soldiers are here." Corporal Mitchell said.

Colonel William nods and goes down to talk to the Russian and Ukrainian Soldiers.


A couple minutes later

Akusho outpost

"Colonel William, meet First Liutenant Dimitri Romanov of the 136th Motorized Rifle Brigade, and Sergeant First Class Sofia Kapinos of the 72nd Mechanized Brigade." Corporal Mitchell, said looking at the two.

The two then saluted at Colonel William

"Colonel." The two said still saluting.

"At ease you two." Colonel William ordered.

"Now then, I was also informed you two helped Captain Ramirez on his operations in Syria am I correct?" Colonel William asked making the two nod

"Hmm, well since you two are friends of Mike you can go ahead and rest for the time, but don't get to comfortable we have a meeting in 0800 hours." Colonel William ordered, as the two saluted and walked away.


June 6th

Saderan POV



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