Chapter 1

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T-minus 450 days to launch
Every astronaut of that generation had the same dream since they could think: going to Mars.

A dream that became a goal and later a real mission. A mission that the eight women in the room really wanted to be a part of.

At that particular moment, Kara just wanted to go home and sleep for a week. Not that she could, but still. She was exhausted after that day's training. That's why she was a little startled when Lena entered the room practically screaming at them.

"Did you hear?! They want an all-female crew to avoid astronauts having sex." Lena was obviously thrilled about this, but rolled her eyes as she said her next words, "The guys are already throwing a tantrum, as if every Moon-crew wasn't an all-male crew."

Now, bear in mind that Kara Danvers was an asexual woman. She didn't feel the same sexual desire that most people seemed to feel. So when she said that whenever Lena Luthor entered a room her whole body lit up, it wasn't exactly in the way you're probably thinking. She was just so very beautiful. In fact, she was beautiful to the point that Kara still couldn't manage to talk to her unless it was about something strictly work-related. She was an asexual woman, but she was also a panromantic mess.

Alex Danvers, on the other hand, was a lesbian and always seemed to be in perfect control around Lena. Kara didn't know how her sister did it, and she was a bit jealous of their easy friendship. So it was Alex who raised her eyebrows at what Lena had said and smirked, "Wait, is it really so we don't have sex there? Is the lack of men supposed to stop me?".

Everyone laughed while Susan Vasquez high-fived her.
"If anything, you and I would have more chances of getting laid without men up there." Sam laughed with everyone else, but then, in a more serious tone, she added, "I think it's so no one gets pregnant by accident. In any case, isn't the mission supposed to last like 2 years at most? Are men really unable to control themselves? Because it's been way longer than that since I've had sex and I'm doing fine."

Lena smiled at her and patted her head, "That's because you don't have any free time between this and your daughter, darling."

Sam batted Lena's hand away as she answered, "And that's because I want to. Isn't it really complicated to have sex in Zero-G, anyway? Have any of you ever tried?"

They all looked at each other shaking their heads until Vasquez replied, "No, but anyway, I'm not going to complain about any reason or excuse they have to send an all-women crew."

Kara was finishing packing her stuff, only half interested in the conversation. "Well, I for one think this excuse it's great. It means I've got more chances to go, right? What's better than sending an asexual person if they don't want people having sex. Ace in space for the win!"

She started to leave while sing-songing, "Ace in space! Ace in space!".

"God! She sings that every time we go on a mission. We're going to hear that every day if she gets to go, right?" Alex face-palmed, frustrated with her sister already.

"Well, she's your sister, Danvers, you're going to have to put up with her." Lena joked.

"Nope, no. If we all go, as your superior in rank my first order will be to have you on Kara duty, Luthor." As if Lena would mind.

Sam rolled her eyes at them. Sure, it was cute and funny the first few times, but they always did this. "Oh please, like you could stay away from your sister, you love the dork."

She picked up her stuff and left, everyone laughed and followed.

With an all-women crew, Alex and Kara were definitely in. Lena surely was, too. She was a genius and you needed a genius on a mission like that one. Every other woman there, even the ones that weren't part of that day's group, had a chance to make it. So they would have to give their all if they wanted to be one of the six. To do that, they spent the next few months working hard, with the girls joking around before and after training, and the guys upset but slowly starting to accept their new roles.

Im not sure when i am going to upload the next part so if you like the story until nie let me know so i remember it!!

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