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(I've decided to start supplying you with Walker pics. You're welcome)

Time skip: 1 week
MDV Volleyball tournament
2 days until Walker leaves
No ones POV

Delphi was sitting on the top row of the bleachers in the MDV official gym, watching the two teams before hers plays.

The first games for today were
Blue vs Purple
Loser plays loser of
Winner plays winner of
Black vs Green

The winning teams would move on to compete for a higher place in the tournament while the losers took 5th and 6th place.

The Blue team had won the first set, now they were playing the second against the Purple team. Blue was up by 7 points.

Whoever lost this game would be going against the loser of Delphi's game, against the Green team.

Delphi was sitting with Payton, Brandy, Travis, Josh, Jenna, Scarlett, Lily, James, and Brett, their parents all sitting together a few rows down.

Walker was in the car with Aryan, his mom driving him and Aryan to the gym where Delphi was waiting.

Her friends had yet to show up, and the game was almost over. She feared they weren't coming, that she wouldn't see Walker again before he left.

He was worried about making it in time. He liked to be there while they were warming up, so he made sure he didn't miss any of Delphi's play time.

Momona, McKenna, and Abby were also on their way, only 2 cars in front of Walker and Aryan.

Momona was heading back to her parents in Canada in a week, and since Walker wasn't sure he'd be able to make it to the final game, Mo was in charge of recording it.

The final game was scheduled for the day of Walker's flight, but it could run for a long time, and didn't have a current time set. He couldn't be sure he'd make it, no matter how bad he wanted to.

Keith, Javon, and Daniel were the first to arrive, immediately heading up to Delphi and her team.

"Thank the gods you three are here, the games almost over." Delphi says with a worried expression as she stares at the gym door.

"They'll be here." Daniel reassures as Momona and Walker's car turn onto the gym's street.

"Thanks Danny." Delphi smiles softly as she turns back to the game.

The green team scored another point, putting them at 24. One more point and the game was over.

Delphi groaned nervously as she watched the game, green team's players playing with wide grins.

Walker is the first person out of either car when they pull in, Momona and McKenna right behind him as they rush inside, Abby and Aryan trailing behind them.

Walker runs into the gym, finding Delphi and her team making their way down the bleachers while the two teams on the court do after game courtesy.

Delphi spots Walker and branches off from Brandy and Payton, punching him in the arm. "That's for almost being late!" Delphi scowls.

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