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As the song ended, Walker looked at me with something unknown in his eyes.

"You're an amazing singer, Delphi." He complimented me.

I blush from the compliment, "Thanks Walker. You are too."

Suddenly, my dad walks into my room, scaring me and Walker and causing us to drop our microphones.

"Holy Hades! Dad don't you knock?" I ask as I hold my beating chest.

"Sorry kid, that was my attempt at making sure you two weren't up here making out. I will never knock on a door that you two are behind alone again." My dad speaks.

"Then I'm glad we stopped a few minutes ago." Walker says sarcastically.

"That was sarcasm, wasn't it." My dad glared at Walker, who shrugs.

Walker and I roll our eyes, "We're not dating. And we're not making out." Walker says.

"Did you have a reason for scaring the shit out of us?" I ask sarcastically.

"Watch your mouth young lady, and yes I did." He comes into my room. "We're leaving for Vancouver tomorrow so we can start filming in a few days."

"Seriously? We're going to Vancouver?" Walker asks excitedly.

"Yes, meaning Delphi needs to pack her suitcase. Walker, don't worry about yours. Your mom is on her way over with your packed suitcase." My dad explained.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Now funny business you two!" He says as he walks out of my room, shutting the door.

"My gods he's annoying." I sigh and pick up our karaoke microphones.

"Maybe he just knows how irresistible I am and wants to make sure you don't fall in love." Walker wiggles his eyebrows.

"I'd never fall in love with you, you're too stupid." I joke.

"No but seriously though Delphi, if one of us were to fall in love, it'd totally be you." He says seriously.

"Don't be too sure about that Walker." I argue.

"I don't fall easily Delphi." Walker argues.

"And I don't fall." I argue back.

"I seriously doubt that." Walker crosses his arms across his chest. "You can't possibly never fall in love."

"I guess I just haven't met the right person yet." I shrug.

"And if you start thinking I'm the right person? Then you'd lose this little bet of ours." He tilts his head to the side.

"No I wouldn't, because I wouldn't tell you. I'd tell my dad, and you wouldn't ever know." I smirk slyly.

"Alright..." He nods. "Then I guess I'll just have to figure it out."

"I'm not going to fall in love with you Walker." I say.

"We'll see." He replies simply.

"Come on, let's get the air mattress for you." I roll my eyes and get the air mattress out of my closet.

We unfold it and set it up on the left of my bed, blowing it up before throwing a blanket and pillows on it.

"Goodnight School Bell." I say quietly as I lay in my bed.

"Goodnight jelly belly." He replies.

"Hey! Why am I jelly belly?" I ask as I laugh.

"BECAUSE! I have nothing else to call you besides Del, which is boring." He complains.

"Whatever." I lay back on my pillows.


The next morning my dad comes into my room and wakes us up around 7.

"Alright Delphi, shower in your bathroom, Walker you can shower in the guest room. Your bag is downstairs, by the way. Our flight leaves at 10, so be ready by 9." My dad instructs before leaving.

"See ya in a minute." Walker salutes me sarcastically and leaves my room.

I shut the door to my room before going into my bathroom, locking the bathroom door.

I quickly get in the shower, washing my hair and body as I sing to myself.

I get out of the shower when I'm done and wrap a towel around my body. I open the door to my bathroom and walk into my room.

"Hey Del-oh shit!" Walker says as he covers his eyes.

"Dude, I'm in a towel, just get out! Why are you in here if the door was shut?" I ask as I hold my towel tighter.

"I didn't know you wouldn't get dressed in the bathroom like a normal person!" He walks toward the door. "I'll come back in like 20 minutes."

I quickly walk over and lock the door, letting out a nervous breath after he left.

I shake my head and laugh quietly before opening up my closet and walking in. I first put on my undergarments duh.

I then pull on a Camp Half Blood shirt, from the Percy Jackson books, and put on some grey sweats.

I walk back out of my closet and shut the door before throwing my towel and dirty clothes into my hamper.

I unlock my bedroom door and open it before sitting at my vanity.

I grab my makeup bag out of the drawer and pack my skincare essentials into it, followed by my mascara and lipgloss.

I zip up the bag and put it on my bed before grabbing my hair bag.

I put my scalp oils into it, followed by my heat protectant spray and dyson air wrap. I also throw in my hair mister and a bag of small hair ties.

I put it on my bed with my makeup bag before grabbing my suitcase out of my closet.

I set it on my bed and open it up so I can put my clothes in it.

I go into my closet and grab a few shirts and pants, throwing them into my bedroom so I can put them in my suitcase later.

I grab 2 different hoodies and toss those to the pile of clothes. I also grab 2 different dresses, one a mid-thigh length black one and the other a sky blue knee-length one.

I grab my hair clips and brush before leaving my closet for the final time.

As I begin moving my clothes onto the bed, Walker comes back into my room.

"Good, you're dressed." He comments.

"Wow, great observation Captain Obvious." I roll my eyes.

He walks over to my bed and starts helping me fold my clothes in silence.

Once all my clothes are on one side, I move to the other side and put my makeup/skincare and hair care bags into the other side.

"Alright, all I need are my shoes." I tell him and start leaving my room.

"Ooh, a personal tour of a ladies shoe collection. Count me in." Walker says and starts following me downstairs.

I walk over to the front door and take a right, to the small closet that my mother turned into a shoe cubby.

On one side, mine and my dad's shoes split the wall 50/50. The middle wall was for my little sisters' shoes and the right side of the closet is my mom's.

"Alright, you want to know what shoes I'm taking?" She looks over at him. "Let's do this then."

A/N: This part is going to be continued in the next chapter because it's 1167 words already.

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