17) The unacceptable offer

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THIS CHAPTER IS LOOONG. Like 5760 words, so grab a snack and a blanket and enjoyyy <3
Have fun reading this and comment if you have anything to say.
Btw, happy new year guys I love y'all <33

Nico: Okay, let me know when you get home.

Elena: *Photo*
Don't worry bro she's home now.

'Did you text that? And sent that picture?' I ask. Pablo looks up from his phone. 'Yeah what about it.'

'No nothing.' I say with a dry throat.

"Um, thanks for everything, but I have to go." I say and grab my bag.
"Where are you going, I'll take you." Pablo says and gets up. "I can do it alone." I say and walk outside as quickly as I can.

Two days later...

My hair sticks to my neck and I feel the hot sun on the top of my head. In my hands I have my chemistry, biology and all my notebooks under my arm. I squeeze through the students on the way to my classroom, hoping to make it on time. 

The past two days had been tough. I went to all of my classes every day. Most students followed either nothing or only half of them. Lessons are not necessarily mandatory. I haven't seen Nico for a long time. At least not after the beach party.

He responded to Pablo's text the next day with just a thumbs up. He also hasn't come to a lesson for two days, but I hope to see him every lesson. He's probably following it at home, or he's just avoiding me. 

I still have two minutes to get to the right classroom. I squeeze past two girls standing in the middle of the hallway and quickly walk on. I've decided not to run, that always looks so clumsy. 

Nico didn't come to class, so he could avoid me, and I did came to class to avoid Pablo. I just feel like crap about this whole situation. Pablo who texted Nico, knowing he would get me in trouble, but he was right, because I'm his girlfriend. Pablo who picked me up from the beach, even though I have no idea what I said to him that evening. 

And then there's that Alex dude, if his name is Alex... How could I be so stupid? Everywhere I go I look around to see if I see him somewhere. Would he know where I live? He knew my name... my age... about my brother. And how did that note get in my underpants? And why was there blood in Pablo's bathroom? Was it mine? From him? Or from someone else? So many questions, and zero answers. 

Avoiding Pablo felt like the only option. The fact that he dropped the word: boyfriend in that text to Nico means that he already suspected that I hadn't said anything about my lovelife. I don't know if the feeling I have is shame or something else. Myabe regrets? Since I don't know what happened that night, I don't know what was said. Maybe I said all kinds of things about Nico to Pablo. Or told about those notes? I just hope I kept my mouth shut, but the fact is I'll never find out. 

It's not as if ignoring it works very well. Pablo has already called me 10 times, but I have just ignored his calls every time. He text me that he wants to take a photo for Instagram. Probably his crazy ex again. 

I ignore it, I really don't feel like it right now, and certainly don't have time for it. Immersing myself completely in my studies is running away from my problems, but at least I'm running away to something that will help me later in the future. Then the bell rings, and just then I push open the door to the lecture hall. 

The teacher is already standing in front of the huge screen and I quickly walk to the benches to take a seat somewhere. To my surprise, almost everything is full, until I suddenly see Nico sitting alone in the back. 

Smile for the picture | Pablo GaviDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora