5) Not again!

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A/N: Please Vote it would mean a lot to me❤️❤️

One week since I ran into Pablo.

One week since I talked to him.

One week since anything uncommon happened.

One second since I found out my parents are coming to Barça. TOMORROW!

'What do you mean by a fun surprise?' I scream into my phone.
'Could you just chill!' Julius says. 'Okay but please explain what is gonna happen...' I say.

'Mom and dad thought it would be a fun surprise if we'd come to visit. Mom really wants to see the house.' Julius says. 'And you couldn't stop them? Julius, you know I haven't fixed a house yet. We're fucked if mom finds out.' I say.

'I know... I told her we can't visit your house because Stacey is throwing a party.' Julius says. 'And I made sure we're in a hotel far away from yours, so we won't see you accidentally.' 

'Okay... how long are you staying?' I ask. 'Literally one night. Ollie has school and mom and dad have to work.' Julius says. 'We'll be alright sissy. Just 24 hours of lying... we can do that.' Julius says. 

'And what about the guy who grabbed me in the club?' I ask. 'I think I know who it is. Could you describe him one more time?' Julius asks. 'Lots of muscles, I think he was blonde and he had a British accent.' I say. 'Do you know who it is?' I ask when Julius doesn't answer.

'I think I do. But don't worry, I'll make sure every guy in Barça knows to not touch my sister.' Julius says. I roll my eyes. 'Just don't do anything stupid.' I say. 'I won't. Don't worry about me. I gotta get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Okay bye!' I say and I hang up the phone. Sofia stands up from the bed. 'Was that your brother?' she asks. I nod. 'I can't believe your parents are coming to Barcelona...' Sofia says. 'Don't worry, I'll also lie for you!' she says. I smile. 'Thanks, I think I'll just pick them up from the airport and I'll go with them to a restaurant. Then the next day I'll show them the city or something... I just have to keep them away from our "apartment..."' I say. Sofia nods. 'You'll be fine.'


The next day I woke up early for my shift at Buena Chica, the restaurant I'm working at. When I left our hotel room everyone was still asleep, so I walked away quietly. 

When I arrived at the restaurant, I immediately started my shift. In the morning I usually work behind the counter. Mornings are never busy, but sometimes people come for a coffee or some pastries. 

I work from 9 am until 2 pm. At 2 pm I walk outside and I say goodbye to Rogelio, my boss. The sun is shining bright and it's a beautiful day in Barcelona today. Due to my job at the restaurant, my Spanish has improved, which I like. When I get back to the hotel, no one is in our room.

I know Stacey is working, and Luna texted me that she went for a walk. I have no idea where Sofia is, but I guess I'll find that out later. I look around in our hotel room. It's the biggest mess I've ever seen. 

I do realize we can't live here when college starts. It costs us lots of money and we just need our own apartment where we can actually study. 

I've thought about telling my mom or dad about my situation. In my dreams they'd said: Ooh honey! That's totally fine, we'll give you the money to rent an apartment for you and your friends! But I know that's not how they will be responding. My mom would freak out and she would be mad that I've kept it a secret from her. It also would get Julius into trouble, because he lied too...

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