The Move

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The days seemed long but I filled them by hanging out with my friends, Akiko, and Mushitarou. Two weeks is up before I know it.

Dad doesn't even have to wake me, and I already have my bags out myself dressed before sunrise. Bored and antsy I have a bowl of cereal and go back to sleep.


Even after getting another hour and a half of sleep, I'm still up early. It's boring! I should go wake up Elise.

Elise, as expected, screams bloody murder when I wake her up. But I can tell she's glad not to have woken up alone since she's usually the earliest riser out of all of us, she even gets up before Papa.

"We're going today," she says emptily.

"Ah, come one, Lisie, it'll be great. It's not like you have many friends here anyway." I explain.

She scowls, jabbing me in the ribs with her surprisingly bony elbow, "There's Kenji and Kyouka." In protest, she offers the names of two older students who volunteer to read to the younger students during story time. "And the reason I don't have other friends is because they all think I have a weird older brother!"

"Oh, well if they're stupid that's hardly my problem. You shouldn't be friends with them then, you deserve better."

She huffs and looks away, but not fast enough to hide her smile.


Breakfast is quiet. We're too busy chowing down on Papa's household's famous chocolate chip waffles. He only makes them on special occasions.


Now I have to face the boring security line.

I pass the time by deducing everyone in line with us.

Nothing interesting, just the usual.

The child with the woman in the pink shirt is one she had with another man before marriage.

The older couple behind us used to be criminals.

The man in the next line is having an affair.

The teen girl with her family is plotting to run away next month.

The little boy in the green striped shirt stole money from his mother and used it to buy the dinosaur figurine he's clutching.

The man who just set his bag down on the X-ray conveyor belt thingie recently got a promotion.

Finally, it's our turn.

They make me take my shoes off which isn't great but I manage to suck up putting my feet on the dirty floor.


The flight isn't until mid-morning and we got to the airport early, so now I can explore.

Dad grabs me as I head off. "Ranpo, stop, you'll get lost. Take Elise with you."

"Okay, fine!"


The plane is loud and gets even louder as we take off, but they have free pretzels so I put on my headphones, watch a film and deal with it.


When we land it's dark out, late at night.

Still, my entire body buzzes with energy and I dance around, skipping as I follow Dad and Papa to the area where we'll wait for a cab.


The night is foggy and thick with summer air. I can feel the car exhaust in the air and it's giving me a headache but even that won't dull my mood.(A/N: Sorry, I was lacking inspiration for this chapter but I needed to write this before getting the exciting parts so *sigh*)

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