We're Moving.?!

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"Ranpo, Kyu, Elise! Come down here please, we have something we need to discuss with you." My Dad's voice echoes up from downstairs, the dining room probably, so that's where I go.

Sure enough, Dad and Papa are sitting at the dining table. I already know what they're going to say, but I wonder how they'll break the news. There's a stack of atlases in front of Dad, the ones I asked him to buy me when I figured it out.

I squirm in my seat, my fingers moving of seemingly their own accord to create a rhythm on the tabletop, impatiently waiting for them to just say it already.

A few seconds later Kyu and Elise come running into the dining room, Elise climbs onto Papa's lap and Kyu onto Dad's.

At last, Dad begins, "So as Ranpo already knows, Rin and I have gotten a new job. I'm going to be teaching at a university in the northern United States of America, in New England, the state of Connecticut. Rin has acquired a job with the cardiology department of a nearby hospital. I'm sure you've gathered by now that we will have to move."

Kyu's eyes widen, Papa reaches over and strokes their hair, "I know this is a lot for you, but Yuki and I have already arranged everything, including the new house and your new school, Manhasset Manor Academy. It's a kindergarten through grade 12 academy, so all of you will be going to the same school together, how exciting!"

Despite Papa's genuine attempt at enthusiasm, Elise looks less than pleased, "Oh, of course, you spring this on us now! When do we go? Is the food good, what about the uniform? Is it . . . boarding school?"

Her last question surprises me. I hadn't thought about that. Dad would never send me away, would he?

"Calm down, dear. Of course, we'd never send off our dear children. We adore you far too much for that. The school sent us informational packets and brochures, for each of you and you can read them and look on the website as soon as we're done here. And as for when we'll be going, well, the term begins in August, and Yuki and I have to do some prep work before then so we'll be moving in two weeks." Papa gives me a small smile. Dad covers Kyu's ears in anticipation of Elise's explosion.

"WHAT!!?? Two weeks! Another country, What do you mean two---"

Parents aren't supposed to have favourites. They say they don't. Every kid in the entire universe knows that a lie. It's just that some parents make their favouritism more obvious than others. Dad and Papa treat us all equally, but for me, it's easy to see that Elise, the only daughter, is Papa's favourite. That's perfectly fine with me because I'm Dad's favourite.

Papa spoils Elise, but I'm spoiled too, and I suppose it is only fair she gets more leniency because of her age but still, it's annoying sometimes. It's usually Dad who puts his foot down.

He puts his hand on Elise's shoulder, holding her down gently, turning her so she has to meet his eyes. "Elise-chan, please calm yourself. The movers are coming to pack and move all of our furniture tomorrow, they'll ship it over so we'll already have it when we get there. Besides we've already made our decision, the paperwork has been filed for your transfer, so you may kick and scream all you want, in your room."

Papa pats my upset sister's head, "My dearest darling daughter, we truly are sorry for telling you this now but we figured it was best to wait, for this very reason, we didn't want to have you worrying for weeks and weeks. There's plenty of time to say goodbye to your friends, you can have playdates with all of them every day this week if they're free. And since you're so young I'm sure you'll make plenty of new friends in America, you speak wonderful English after all."

I translate in my head: Sorry this is out of the blue, but we didn't want to hear you whine for two months.

I sigh when I hear Papa's idea of compensation, hoping said playdates will be at the other friends' houses.

I tune out the rest of Elise's complaints as she stomps upstairs, instead flipping through the Atlases Dad pushes across the table to me. There are four. Three of the whole United States, a geographical one, an industrial one and one meant for tourists, and then one just of Connecticut with all three of those things. I'm about to take my prizes to my room but Dad stops me.

"Ranpo, we have one more thing, Rin's idea actually, and brilliant, if you ask me."

Papa blushes at Dad's comment, "I just thought, you know since you adore shiny things so much, our little racoon . . ." He smiles, pulling out two large binders and a third, smaller one, "These are for you to collect the United States Quarter Dollar coins. Most of them have George Washington on them but they make special ones there, indicating national parks, the different states and famous American women. I thought you might enjoy collecting them." I can feel how wide my smile is, and he continues explaining, proud at the confirmation that his gift is liked, "Each page is for a different quarter, it has information and a little pocket for it to go in when you find it. I figured with how much candy you buy you'll fill these up in no time."


Dad smiles, "I think you'll find you like America. They have many Holidays dedicated especially to candy: Valentine's Day, Easter, and Halloween. Halloween and Christmas in America are for all ages, you might be a touch too old for trick or treating but I'm sure if when the time comes you take Elise and Kyu, you can get some sweets as well."

(A/N: America has SOO MANY holidays related to sweets and desserts, you can find a list of them on Google. Also for context, Christmas in Japan is more for couples than for children.)

"Sweet!" I laugh at my horrid pun.

I'm not scared of America at all, I can't stop smiling as I take my books and binders upstairs. I'll have to pack them away soon but I can still enjoy them for a bit.

I do have some American money sent to me by an online friend, whom I haven't talked to in ages after they suddenly stopped answering me. Still, it's just a 100-dollar bill and some quarters, none of which fit the criteria for the map. I keep them safely away anyway, already anxious to leave for their land of origin.

(A/N: since 100 yen is so little Ranpo has no idea that 100 dollars is a significant amount. Is anyone surprised, I mean he doesn't know how to ride a train.)


I wake up to the sound of my alarm! EWWW!!!

"I thought I unplugged you!" I yell at it as I turn it off.

"You did." I jump. I hadn't heard my father's steps over my alarm, "I'm the one who plugged it back in, but it's only for today. The movers will be here after lunch, they're going to do the big packing and load out boxes into their truck but you need to put away all of your smaller items. I'll be helping your siblings but if you need help with breakable ones Rin is packing away the kitchen items."


He looks surprised but goes on his way anyway.

It's true, normally I'd hate doing something like this, but this isn't cleaning, it's packing, this is an adventure and I can't wait to get started.

I finish fairly quickly, until only my shampoo and conditioner (which we'll have to throw out when we leave), my toiletries and the clothes I can fit into my two suitcases are left. The emptiness is strangely satisfying.

Elise, Kyu and I have lunch out on the patio as the movers pack our lives into their trucks. I smile at the thought of part of me being in America before I am. Elise doesn't share my sentiment and scowls at her omurice, poking it angrily with her fork.

I bet she'll change her mind.

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