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When Sunghoon finally skated onto the rink, the stadium erupted with cheers, Jake's being the loudest. Sunghoon giggled before he got into his starting position.

Jake watched with pure astonishment. Throughout Sunghoon's performance, a small smile was present. Jake thought that the bright twinkle in his eyes was the cutest thing ever. He looked so passionate about his career in skating.

His performance sadly came to an end a few minutes later. Jake quickly got out his seat and attempted to follow his soon-to-be boyfriend (hopefully).

Jake was stupid, we all know that. So when he saw security guarding the dressing room, he didn't know what to do.

"Can I help you with something?" The guard gave an annoyed glare as he looked down at Jake.

Holy shit, why is he so tall?! "Uh- yeah... I just need to see Sunghoon! Now, if you'll let me pass-" Embarrassment was the only thing he felt when he ran into the guards chest.

"Not so fast, buddy. Does he know you personally?"

"Well, I'm his soon to be boyfriend! If he says yes..." The guards' eyes widened when he got a good look at the shorter's face.

"Oh my god! You're that Jake guy?! You can pass, sorry about that!" Jake blushed before finally walking down the hallway to find Sunghoon's room.

*knock knock*

"I swear to god Minji, I DONT want a cardboard cutout of-"

"Of who?!" Jake entered the room with a teasing smirk. Sunghoon smiled upon seeing the shorter.

"Of no one! What do you want?!" Jake laughed at Sunghoons attempt to glare at him. Jake fully walked in and brought Sunghoon into a tight hug.

"Awe, you don't wanna see me? I'm so hurt!" Jake dramatically nudged his head against Sunghoon's shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I do want to see you... so badly," his voice was just above a whisper, if Jake wasn't so close to the other, he wouldn't have heard it.

"I wanted to see you too... y'know... I think this is the perfect time~"

"Hm? For what?"

Not moving from his position on the skater's shoulder, he finally asked the question, "can I be your boyfriend? I was gonna ask you with flowers and music and presents but I couldn't wait anymore. If I'm not yours by the end of the week I think I might actually explode! I want to hold you, kiss you, tease you, and shower you with the most amazing gifts ever! I would be the best boyfriend you've ever had and I know it, you'd get to know it too if you say yes- but I'm not pressuring you! I completely understand if you don't want-"

Sunghoon gently moved Jake from his shoulder, making Jake face him. He smiled when he saw how flustered the other was. Still, the shorter hadn't stopped rambling about a mixture of not wanting to pressure him into a relationship but also why they'd be perfect together.

"If I kiss you will you stop talking?" Sunghoon hoped he wasn't overstepping and that he heard his lighthearted voice.

"Yes? I'll gladly shut up!" Just as they were leaning in, they heard a knock on the door.

"Yah! Sunghoon, they're announcing the winner! Get your ass out here!"

"God fucking damnit!"

"You're so hot when you swear"

"Oh yeah?"


you really thought you were getting a relationship AND a kiss in the same chapter huh? HAHA

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