Chapter 31...

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"Where the hell have you been!" Was the first thing out of Josie's mouth the moment I stepped back into the room. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told me I was gone for almost an hour. (I can't wait to read all the 'where the hell have you been loca' comments :D)

"Um." I sent her a sheepish look. Sydni and Evelyn standing around her looking at me with suspicious looks.

"Did you do it?" Tasha asked. The only one aware of where I was. Biting my lip I looked at her.

"I did." At my words Tasha let out a squeal making everyone jump.

"What's going on?" Sydni looked between Tasha and I. Nothing could stop a grin from spreading across my face as I faced everyone.

"I got my man."

All at once everyone let out a yell before coming towards me and wrapping me in a huge group hug. I've never felt this happy before and I felt like I was going to explode from it.

"You did it!" Sydni beamed at me.

"I'm so happy for you." Josie smiled.

"Told ya." Tasha said with a smirk.

"Your man? Did I miss something?" Evelyn asked, looking confused. As the girls moved away I bit my lip slowly walking towards Evelyn. Yeah nothing scary about telling your boyfriends mother that you are dating her son. Inwardly I squealed at Landon being my boyfriend. We didn't exactly say those words to each other but we didn't need too.

"So um.." I readied myself. "Me and Landon are seeing each other." Evelyn was quiet for a moment.

"Oh that's old news." She waved it off. My mouth fell open and I'm pretty sure the girls did too.

"Wait, what?"

"I know my son. He's been smitten with you since day one. Plus after our paint class he called me to see if you guys had fun. He's never done that before." I just stared at her in shock. Landon's mom knew long before anyone else. "He can't hide anything from me."

I wasn't sure what to say to that. Evelyn didn't sound like she was mad or anything about us being together.

"So you're okay we are together?"

"Of course I am." She came forward and wrapped me into a hug. "You two are perfect together."

Hearing her say that made me sag against her in relief. I looked up to Evelyn and wanted her approval to be with her son. She was the best mom and woman I've ever met. Our hug only lasted a minute before Tasha interrupted.

"As much as I love this we only have a few minutes before the wedding starts and you Lydia need to get cleaned up." She all but pulled us apart and directed me towards the makeup chair. "Do not move until she is done fixing you up." Tasha basically threatened.

As she flitted off to make sure Josie was all set to go I sat still as the makeup artist came over. The disappointed look she had made me send her a guilty smile.

"Sorry." She tsked before getting to work on fixing my makeup I cried and kissed off.

With the wedding about to start, Sydni pointing out the guests showing up outside, the room broke out into movement. The photographers for the magazine taking pictures of Josie and Tasha fixing her dress. Evelyn was taking pictures on her own phone.

It only took the makeup artist five minutes to fix my face. She gave me a stern look to behave before she packed her stuff up.

"Lets get a final picture of all of you." The photographer instructed. All of us, including Evelyn, crowded around the bride as photo after photo were taken.

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