How to Discipline a Phantomhive

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"Well, if you don't mind, I'll be going about my business. I'd like to return to the manor as soon as possible, you see. I have a guest. Sebastian, have you memorized the papers?"

"Yes, my lord."

While you had examined the four bodies, which had been taken down shortly after Ciel spoke to Commissioner of the Yard, otherwise known as Lord Randall, Ciel demanded information. He begrudgingly complied, after much frustration.

He didn't seem to like Ciel much, as he angrily presented him with the details and his opinions of the case.

"Come along, Sebastian." Ciel commanded, turning his head to you. You were crouched down, staring down at the dead men. "Are you done, (Y/n)?"

Your head snapped up to his direction.

"Huh? Oh, yes." You timidly replied, cheeks tinted pink. "Yes, I'm done. . ."

You held your hands together, rubbing them nervously.

The Commissioner shot you a look, not caring much for your presence as he appeared to be able to connect the dots for why you were even here in the first place. He knew at least who you were, and the Phantomhive brat told him you were somewhat of an undertaker, and that was enough information for him. 

Besides, you were no secret. 

It had been going around that another one of the Aristocrats of Evil, the infamous Undertaker, had recently been seen with a child. Furthermore, it had also been going around that the Undertaker got himself an apprentice. A child apprentice

He was able to piece it together rather quickly, despite not knowing specific details.

Still, he wondered why a kind looking boy like you was willingly hanging around with the even more infamous, at least in the Underworld, Ciel Phantomhive. Or was it perhaps that you were being forced?

None of those questions mattered, though. He didn't want to get dragged into the matters of the Underworld. He despised the entirety of the Aristocrats of Evils, and he despised the Phantomhive name. He wished he knew nothing of the sort. Even more, he wished none of it existed.

The man next to him, however, was curious. The Commissioner suspected that this curiosity would one day kill the man.

So, as Ciel and Sebastian walked passed you all, leaving you to stand next to the dead men, the curious man, Chief Inspector, best known as Fred Abberline, asked the Commissioner, "Who in the world are those kids. . . ?"

You still stood by the bodies, so you were unfortunate to hear of what was to come.

The Commissioner stayed silent before taking a breath and explaining.

"Since you have seen for yourself, I guess I have no choice but to fill you in. . . Abberline, in this country exists. . . a secret agency under direct control of the Queen. It is known as 'Phantomhive'. "

"Oh, that was his last name!"

"Let me finish," said the Commissioner. "The Phantomhive Earldom has headed up this agency through generations. The earls themselves have been called 'Watchdogs of the Queen' or 'Aristocrats of Evil'."

Abberline was taken aback upon this information.

"But why 'evil'? If they serve the royal family, are they not the same as us-?"

"No!" The Commissioner snapped.

They stood in silence, Abberline in shocked.

The Commissioner continued after a moment, much quieter.

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