How to Upset an Angel

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Ciel made you upset.

Well, you were upset, but you weren't exactly angry, persay. . .

You were simply more. . . quiet.

He noticed you had begun to get more dull as time went on after his last statement.

Actually- it was moreso a bark, but that isn't the point.

You were upset and he knew that, for a fact, it was his fault.

He knew it so.

He tended to have that effect on people, making them more dull and uncomfortable. It was a talent of Ciel's that he often used for his own benefit. This time, with you, was no different. He wanted to make you a twinge more dull and uncomfortable, just enough where you couldn't tell.

He did this because he wanted to get information from you, and whether he or you liked it or not, bending your emotions around was a good means of getting said information.

And as awful as it sounded, he didn't really care if it hurt the other person in the process.

He noticed while speaking to you that you seemed to let tiny details slip at unexpected moments. He always had to keep a look out for them. You spoke in an innocent yet incredibly specific manner, as if you always kept in mind what you did and didn't say. And Ciel also noticed that you tended to let things slip when you were negatively emotional.

Sad, overwhelmed, uncomfortable, and you'd slip up.

Though, he took note that you, various times, have noticed and questioned his many questions in suspicion. To which, Ciel had to give you a small false smile and give you false reassurance, saying something like, "We're friends now. I'm only curious about my new friend." And you'd eat it up.

This whole so-called friendship he made with you was just for means of learning more about you, and he did not mean that in a good way. Once he knew of you, he would be sure to put you off to the side as he did with most people.

Yes, he was sure of it.

Completely sure.

After Miss Nina Hopkins was able to take your measurements, she declared she had everything needed to tailor you a wardrobe. After informing you she would send it for delivery when she was done, the lot of you set off. You had asked Ciel what you should all do next, to which he said, "Perhaps we can take a stroll through town. I have some business to attend to, anyway. And you haven't been out much, have you?" To which you replied, with a sour look, "On the contrary, I've been out lots." He hummed at this without much thought, mumbling a, "Alright then."

So, you were all wandering about the town, both you and Ciel quiet and awkward, when suddenly, white flaky substance began falling down upon all.

You tilted your head to the light grey sky, grabbing your arm in an unsure manner.

"Ah. What is this?" You questioned, examining the white fluffy substance falling from the sky.

You had seen this substance up close, but had never come into contact with it during your time out in the woodlands.

This is strange to explain, but the reason for this is because, during your first year after falling from Heaven, you noticed that most animals began hiding away at a certain point. You, a young and lonely boy, didn't want to be alone, so you did the same as the animals.

You hibernated, like some sort of creature.

And you continued to do so every year when it reached winter, until the point of being found by the Undertaker. Until then, you didn't find a reason to hide away in a random tree and sleep during winter anymore. You didn't feel the need to do that when the Undertaker didn't. You had someone to be with now. You weren't alone anymore.

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