Chapter 3.

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A\N: Hi Everyone!!!
I just wanted to say a quick thank you to the little love I've received on this story so far.
Over 100 reads and I even got a few votes and saves and it gives me a lot of motivation to keep going with this. So please continue
As a cute little Thank You I thought it'd be nice to put out the next chapter a lot earlier than planned.☺️☺️☺️

Peacekeepers brought the mayor back out and planted themselves on either side of him to avoid further conflict

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Peacekeepers brought the mayor back out and planted themselves on either side of him to avoid further conflict.
Juniper ignored his return, having seemingly regained her composure by the help of the district. The mayor glared at the camera as he slapped his hand into the second bag and pulled several slips out. A few pieces fell down on the stage floor as he read the remaining paper. "The District Twelve boy tribute is Jessup Diggs."

The kids stirred making way for Jessup, a boy with a fringe of black hair plastered down on his prominent forehead. As District 12 tributes went, he was a fine specimen, he was definitely bigger than an average teenage boy, he was very strong looking.

Awkwardly, he went up the stairs to take his place. As he neared the mayor, Juniper stepped forward holding out her small hand. He hesitated, before reaching out to shake it. Juniper crossed in front of him, switching her right hand for her left, and they were standing side by side, holding hands, when she made a deep curtsy, pulling the boy into a bow. A smattering of applause and a lone whoop came from the District 12 crowd before the Peacekeepers closed in and the reaping broadcast cut to District 8.

Coriolanus tried to act as if he was paying attention to the show as 8, 6, and 11 called their tributes, but his brain spun with the repercussions of landing Juniper Eliora Gael.

Even from a young age he knew June was special, a gift, and he'll do whatever he can to remind her of that. But how best to exploit her showstopping entrance? The tributes would be given only a little time each with the audience before the Games began. How could he get the audience to invest in her and, by extension, him, in just a single interview?

He half registered the other tributes, mostly pitiful creatures, and took note of the stronger ones. Sejanus got a tall, buff looking fellow from District 2, and Livia's District 1 boy looked like he could be a threat as well. Coriolanus's thought Juniper looked fairly healthy, and she for sure packs a mean punch but if he was being honest her slight build was more suited for climbing trees and plucking flowers than hand-to-hand combat.
He bet if she could just run fast enough, that would help a lot.

As the reaping ceremony was wrapping up, the smell of food from the buffet wafted over the audience. Fresh bread. Onions. Meat. Coriolanus clutched his stomach, as it let out a low growl, risking another couple swallows of posca he hoped that would help quiet it. He felt fuzzy, dizzy, and unbelievably hungry.
After the screen turned off, he had to use all his strength to hold himself back from running to the buffet.

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