Chapter 73: Concern

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"The magazine just started last year and they are quite impressive to reach their level at a short amount of time. They never had an international model help with their shoot before. They sent an invite to you and I think you should take it" Rana said, then look at the quiet guy whose eye was focused in the book with him.

"Okay" He replied, flipping the page of his book.

"You're not going to ask why I decided to choose this company even when they are not famous" Rana said.

"I believe in you Rana" Calton replied and look at her. "And I've learnt not to look down on any contract.. whether big or small" he added and return his gaze to his book.

Rana chuckled. "You're just like your mother"

"You've said that twice today" Calton said. His phone rang afterward. Seeing the ID caller, he smiled before picking it up.

"Hey" Delphine's voice sounded over the phone.

"Hi, how are doing?" Calton asked, his face lit. Rana noticed and smiled secretly.

"I'm good. Okay, Davidson won't stop throwing tantrum since morning. He said he wants to see you" Delphine said. Her voice sounded as if she was a bit frustrated.

"Dad! I want to see you!" Calton could hear Davidson's voice in the background. Davidson was to be discharged by evening.

"Opps.. I need to get to somewhere first before coming" Calton said.

"I'm sorry if I'm distracting you.."

"I told you not to apologize. I was the one who told you to always call me whenever Davidson needs me" Calton said and he heard her hum in reply. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, I'm just here. Uhm.. a bit bored but I'll start knitting soon" She replied.

"Wow, you knit? I would love to see it" He said.

"Yeah but not yet. I want to finish it first before showing it to you" she replied.

Calton's lips curved up. "Hm, alright. I just hope you finish it soon, I can't wait to see it"

"Bye, Calton" she said lowly over the phone.

"I'll see you soon" Calton replied and the call ended. His eyes met with Rana and he blinked severally. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad things are going the way it should" Rana replied.

Meanwhile, Elsa couldn't shake off the strange feeling in her. Her meeting with Calton was affecting her a little. Trevor noticed this and a displeasing look appeared on his face.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked lightly as the both settled in the car.

"Nothing" Elsa replied but then the man kissed her hard until she was breathless.

"Good" He whispered before starting the car again.

That night when they got home, a news popped out. Trevor and Elsa was spot holding hands, and the picture was going viral. Neitizens couldn't help but asked what happened. But then, a pics on how he kissed her in the car also came out.

Why is Calton fiancee holding hands with another man and also kissing him?...

Did she break up with Calton?...

Oh my God! Is she cheating?...

She better not cheat in my model or she'll face hell...

Trevor spot Elsa staring at the news. He gave off a knowing smile and spoke. "They should know about us"

"Don't you think it's quite early?" Elsa said and Trevor eyes dramatically changed.

"Are you pitying the man who hurt you so badly? Are you shy to be with me? I love you Elsa" Trevor said and Elsa swallowed. He went to sit beside her and held her chin. "let them know everything about Calton. Show the world his true color" he said. Determination flashed in her eyes as she nodded in reply.

Trevor connected their lips and kissed her hard right there whilst grabbing her ass and made her lay on the bed.

Chantel was in Dominic's embraced when she saw the news. They were both watching a movie. Dominic shifted his gaze from the Television and saw the news on Chantel's phone too.

"I knew this will happen. Trevor is sure using Elsa and she doesn't know" Chantel said then drop her phone, her eye met with Dominic's silver eyes.

She move her face up to him and kiss him lightly.

"Are you worried wife?" He asked lightly.

"For Calton, No.. but for Avery, yes" She replied. "That child is so stubborn"

"You got married to me at the age of 27, I'm sure a man out there will melt her heart. Just like you melt mine." Dominic replied.

"What. You were the one who melt mine" Chantel refuted.

"You fell for me first" Dominic said and Chantel sat up.

"No you fell for me First.."

Dominic made to argue again but the woman spoke.

"Argue with me and you won't touch me for a week" Dominic pushed back his word by swallowing his saliva, she sure knows his weakness. Chantel smiled seeing this. "Come here" She grab his collar and smashed her lips on hers.

His wife is still crazy.

"I saw the news, you need to be careful. You know Elsa had been with you for years and might know where to hurt you" Avery's voice sounded through Calton's earphone as he drives carefully.

He was on his way taking Delphine and Davidson to their home. He wants to use the opportunity to know where they lives.

When he saw the news, he had actually know what would come next. Elsa hatred for him had changed her already. He knows Trevor is going to find a way to drag him down using Elsa's as his advantage.

"Trust me sis, I know how to handle this. I know Elsa too. I'm sure that guy Trevor is getting into her head" Calton said.

Delphine who have Davidson sleeping on her lap heard this, she was sitting beside him. After talking for a while, the call ended.

Calton gave Delphine a look. "I'm sorry if our conversation..."

"Now you're the one apologizing" Delphine cut in with a smile and then continued. "I'm fine. You can do what you want" she replied.

Getting to her place, Calton's face turn cold. The area was obviously not good for his liking. Her house was so small and so old. A pang of concern struck him, this house might collapse before he knows it. The area unkept.

"Your house?" He couldn't help but asked again. He needed to be sure.

"Yes" Delphine kept her head low as she hugged sleeping Davidson to herself. His next word made her look up.

"Get into the car" He commanded.

"Huh? Where are we going?" She asked.

"My house, you and Davidson will be living with me from now on" Calton said with utmost solemnity.

The Billionaire crazy WifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora