Chapter 48: Surprise

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"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Danica asked Austin.

"I'm not ignoring you Nica. I just don't get you these days, look I'll see you tomorrow at the first shoot" Austin said walking towards his car.

"Can't I come?" Danica asked.

"I'll see tomorrow dear, I need to do something" Austin said driving off.

Danica stood there with a long look as she watch his car leaves. "Urgh" she groaned lightly.

Her phone rang, seeing it's Susan, she picked it up after a while.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey, what hotel are you guys in. I'm also in France" Susan said.

"Uhm, that's confidential" Danica said.

"Huh? Even to me too? Are you keeping something away from me? I thought we are sisters"

"Look Susan, I can't do this right now okay, I just need to rest. I have a shoot tomorrow. I'll see you around bye" Danica cut the phone call and sighed. She just really need to clear her head right now.

In a room where Susan is, Susan threw her phone one side and groan. Is she going to trust this friend of hers?

"She's useless" Susan muttered.



The models assigned where were all present as they waited for the shoot director to show up. They were only few of them.

"This whole thing is bullshit" A pink haired lady said beside Chantel.

Chantel Chuckled. "I know right"

"Posing, the media and stuff... Is getting annoying, I can't believe a reporter posted me as a doll. Just because I love barbie" The lady complain.

"A doll? Tssk.. funny" Chantel muttered.

"I know right, I'm Barbara by the way. But they call me barbie since my world is pink" She said shaking Chantel briefly.

"I'm Chantel McCarthy" Chantel said too.

"Nice to meet you. I've seen online quite a few time. You're from New York. I love your styles" Barbie said.

"Right, really.. it's an honor to hear it from an international model" Chantel smiled.

"I'm sure you'll get there in no time" Barbie chuckled.

"It's time" One of the worker came to inform them and they both stand.

"Yunno, I gat this brother of mine who really doesn't like me that much" Barbie said.

"I got one too. He hated me at first but then liked me after we talked to each other properly" Chantel said.

"Maybe I should that, but I honestly don't know what to say to him"

"Just speak your mind. He'll understand you" Chantel winked.

There she is...

I heard she is 27, isn't she supposed to be home making children?...

She is a bad luck..

I heard she is very bad at modelling, her age tells it all..

Rana walked towards Chantel and sighed. "there is a rumour going around the place. I'm sure Danica created this rumour. She knows people in France too well. It's gonna be a little hard here"

Without replying, Chantel gaze moved to Danica who was busy chatting with some of her friends.. they are models.

"Barbie!" One of them came to them and held Brabie by the hand. "What do you think you are doing with her?" The lady whispered dragging Barbie with her.

Chantel immediately knew Danica had spoiled her image in the eyes of these people.

"This is annoying" Rana stuttered.

The shoot direction came in. "Each and every one of you will take their personal shoot. It should be fast and professional, you shouldn't look like an old hag"

Some of the models chuckled.

"Fuck" Rana muttered as her blood boil in anger.

The Director gave Chantel a look. Though she look younger than her age but that doesn't change the fact that she is 27. The rumours alone is enough to give the director a bad impression of her. He is definitely going to disqualified her once she make any mistake.

"Let's start, get your cloths in the dresser" The director said.

While they were gone. Rana pulled out her phone to inform Dominic about the situation.

The models were done after 30 minutes. They all stood comparing to each other.

Danica is so beautiful...

She is definitely going to make it to the Bright show..

I wish to walk on the runway with her..

Barbie also came out looking Gorgeous, the dress is a long gown that tightly hug ones. It's off shoulder with embroideries and flowers enough to steal ones heart.

Oh, where is the 27 years old woman..

Tssk, I guess the cloth doesn't suit her and now she's afraid to come out.. ha ha..

The door opened and tall figure came in. He black retro suit gave him a professional vibe, his hair was neatly combed backward making him look so handsome. The models in around lips parted as they drool over him.

Oh my God, who is he?...

Danica frowned knowing this face is familiar, where had she seen him before... Gosh he is handsome..

I think I just fall in love!..

Even with the handsome look one should not ignore the cold aura around him. He came in with three hefty bodyguards.

Rana sighed in relief. "Big boss, finally" she muttered.

The director spot him and gasped. The famous CEO in LA. What a pleasure to meet him in person. He quickly make his way to him.

"Oh my God, President, I never thought you'd come.."

Danica finally get to recognize him. Dominic Winfrey?

"Isn't that President Dominic? This would be my first time seeing him in person. What an honor" One of Danica's friend said.

"I'm here to see my WIFE" Dominic replied the director. He had made sure the word WIFE sounded well for them to hear it.

The models drooling over him got curious.

Since the wedding between Dominic and Chantel isn't a big one. Not all people was aware..

Light thuds could be heard as Chantel finally appeared. Her shape, body, face, ass, boobs were on fire. Her expression was killing!

The models doubting her before blinked several times.

Rana smirked. '27 huh? Let's see how she gives y'all a slap on the face!' she thought.

They look at their dress and hers. Chantel doesn't look 27 at all, but they did. Even Dominic fell into a trance for a while. He wish he could just take her to bed.

The Director had to blinked severally just to confirm if this is the model being called weak.

Barbie smiled. 'I love this woman'

Chantel eyes widened seeing Dominic, she never expected him to come. Is this the surprise he said he would give her.

Not wasting a moment, Dominic went towards her and crash his lips on hers before everyone.

The jaws of the models practical dropped on the floor!

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