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This was officially the dumbest thing I'd ever done.
Sure I'd done some questionable things in the past, but sneaking into the Orc Mating Ceremony beat all of them.

The white offering dress clings to my ankles as I walk with the other girls towards the grand room and presumably the waiting orcs. Craning my neck, I try and see them, but the other girls block my view.

I'd never seen an orc before, none of us had. Only those who were chosen got to be in the presence of them. Or in my case, someone who steals an offering dress and sneaks in. After the orcs freed us from our tyrant of a king, some religious zealots started a cult around the orcs and now every year, ten girls were chosen to be offered to them in the hopes that the orcs would find their mates so that they could replenish their army.

I personally don't think the orcs are anything to be worshiped but if going along with this stupid tradition gets me out of the village and away from the breeding den, then I'd gladly let one claim me. Or at least, I'd let them take me away from here and then I'd escape when I could. I had no desire to be some males wife or to have his children.

Our line shuffles forward and before long we are making our way across a large wooden stage. Torches flicker all around the great room, illuminating the orcs within. I look at them with wonder, surprised to see them so well dressed and behaved. They all wore fur in some way and had their silver hair braided neatly or decorated, their snow skin marked with long black lines. They ate and drank calmly, laughing amongst themselves.

They were nothing like some of the stories I had heard.

I'd half expected them to be covered in war paint and to wear shrunken heads as necklaces, to be throwing food around and to snatch us as soon we entered the room. But they didn't do any of that. They just sat there calmly until we all were standing in a row and the priest came and stood in front of us.

His long white robe swishes around him as moves his arms in a wide sweeping bow, "my honored guests," he yells. "Another year has come and gone! Another year of prosperity and peace thanks to the bravery of our saviors! We give thanks to you, members of the Icebear Clan! We pay homage to you in the form of wives for your soldiers!" The orcs stamp their boots at the mentions of wives and the priest moves aside so that they can see all of us. "I know you will be pleased with the selection we have provided you today, so without further delay, please accept our offerings!"

That must have been some cue to the orcs, because after he said offerings, they started to get up and walk towards us. One by one they climbed the steps and walked slowly down the line, giving each of us a long sniff before moving on. Most of the orcs looked defeated when they walked off the stage alone, but I thought I saw relief on some of them.

When nothing happened after the first few, I began to get slightly worried. What if none of us got chosen? What would happen then? I couldn't go back, I'd be beaten or worse.

No, one of these giants had to choose me.

I stand taller, looking them in the eye. Most seemed amused by this, as if they weren't used to a human woman looking them in the eye. Some gave me a nod or a smile when they saw me looking, but they spoke nothing.

Until one of them yelled out, "mine!"

Everyone stopped and stared at the large pale orc who now had a small girl in his arms. Her dark hair stood out against his skin as he threw her over his shoulder and walked off towards a door at the other end of the stage. Cheers followed them through and then more orcs came to smell us.

It was weird to be so close to this many males and have none of them of grab at me. None of their hands wandered in for a feel, none of their mouths lingered by my skin. They even made sure that their tusks didn't graze my cheek as they took a deep inhale of my scent.

I was starting to likes orcs a whole lot more than human men.

One by one I watch the girls around me get chosen, until it's just me on the stage. The priest is obviously confused as to why there was an extra girl this year, but the orcs were thrilled. They kept calling out names and shoving their friends to come up to me, but none of them claimed me. After each failed attempt, my heart sank more and more.

This had been my last chance to escape.

The priest walks over to me, probably intent on throwing me out, but suddenly there's a giant body blocking him. I look up into the pale face of a female orc, one who is surprisingly pretty despite all the black marks that run across her face and arms. Her eyes are gentle and hold the faintest spark of hope. She gives me a small smile and leans in to sniff me, softly at first, but then she suddenly buries her head in my neck, breathing deeply.

When she pulls away, she looks at the gathered crowd, "mine."

The crowd cheers and she turns back to me. I brace myself, ready to be thrown over her shoulder like the others had, but she offers me her arm instead. I take it and am surprised by how hard it is. She was considerably smaller than the male orcs, but she seemed to be just as sturdy.

We walk towards the door the others had gone through, and the priest ushers us to a small room. A room with an orc sized bed and a single chair next to a table. He closes the door behind us with a sick grin and I'm suddenly left alone with a large orc.

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