Chapter 40

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It was a good hour into our walk when Folkner woke up. For reference it took us roughly 3 hours to find the dragon's cave, and in that's when we were running there. Now we're having a leisurely walk. 

"Agh?!" Folkner cried out in confusion and shock, probably making eye contact with the eyeless charred head of the dragon that was follow us on a wave of sand. "What the hell?!" 

"Morning," Yolanna chuckled, "Had a nice nap?" 

Her armor had faded as we walked. It had a limited lifetime when activated due to it being a direct connection to the power of the gods. In the short time it was here, however, it saved her life. She was at a distinct disadvantage in resisting the dragon's fire breath, and the armor saved her life. 

"I-" Folkner hesitated, taking in his surroundings for a moment before asking, "Where is the rest of it?" 

"Back at the dragon's cave," I responded walking beside Tallow, keeping a hand on the back of the unconscious Harken who was draped on Tallow's back like a sack of potatoes. "It takes a bit more for me to take the whole thing." 

"I can imagine," Folkner commented, watching the waves of sand that rolled the head along the land, "Wait you're a multi-elementalist?! How?!" 

Yolanna also turned to look at me, curious about my response. 

"Yes some sort of spirit-world stuff," I shrugged, not elaborating further. I don't know how to explain it. Apparently I was some chosen representation of the embodiment of water, and my multi-elemental abilities were because of the other embodiment representatives of the elements gave up their powers to travel back in time to revive me. Even I didn't believe it and I am living it. 

"Wow," Folkner gaped, "That's amazing." 

"You know what would be even more amazing?" Yolanna called from behind us, falling behind slightly from fatigue, "If we switched places and I could ride the amazing water familiar." 

"Yeah, sure," Folkner hopped off, helping Yolanna slip on top and we continued our walk as the sun was setting, "How long was I out?" 

"About two hours," Yolanna sighed, "And we're only like halfway there." 


"Hey what's that?" I interrupted, pointing at the skyline to several approaching figures. Slowing to a stop, the three of us squinted at the figures until I realized, "It's Parter and the other adventurers." 

"Oh no," Yolanna sarcastically stated, "We're in trouble." 

"Nah," Folkner comforted, "They can't be mad when they see this." He pointed at the head, cringing slightly at the sight of the charred mass. 

Either way, how wrong he was. 

"How foolish are you guys?!" Parter screamed at us in front of everyone, his face as red as a tomato. Turns out he didn't authorize our independent escapade like Harken implied before we left. "You guys were stupid to try and fight it on your own. You all could have died! You all are lucky that only Harken got knocked out." 

Like his name triggered his awakening, Harken shot up, nearly topping off of Tallow but Yolanna and I stabilized him. 

"Father?" He questioned groggily.

"I suspect you're the reason behind this!" He gestured frantically at our whole situation, "This is the most foolish, most reckless, most careless thing you have done. You could have gotten all of your friends killed!" 

"Father I-" 

"Parter please," I cut in, "You knew that these people were just going to let this dragon terrorize this land, this was the only way." 

"Well," Parter sighed, staring down at me with so many emotions, "I just wished you guys said something to us, we all thought you guys died." 

"But we didn't!" I tried to be upbeat, but taking a brief look at some of the other faces these people were in too many stages of shock to care for our explanations, "We took care of Crestal, it will no longer make the people of this land suffer." 

"Crestal?" Parter questioned, only to loose focus when a chorus of cheers began to overtake the desert, "We'll talk more later!" He yelled to me, turning to everyone else who looked ready for battle but also to party, "We celebrate tonight! We celebrate the death of this dragon and we celebrate these kids!" 

Echoes of jovial agreement was spread wide and suddenly all of us were swarmed with supporters, grabbing all of us and carrying us back to headquarters. Tallow disappeared in the meantime, letting us get swept away in the chaos. 

It felt like a blur and I was back in my room, being suffocated in a hug by Flontina who was frantically shouting phrases of relief, love, and comfort. I almost wanted to cry, clutching her back like she was going to disappear from my arms. In retrospect I might have never been able to see her again. 

"Well," she sighed, pulling away from me just to wipe her tears and give me another good squeeze, "Let's get you ready for a party, shall we?" 

"A party?" I questioned, knowing there will be a celebration but not so soon. 

"They planned a whole ball in celebration at the castle in the capital, everyone is invited and your team are the guests of honor," Flontina explained, "It's in two days so we have time to get you a gorgeous dress. You'll put all those assholes who doubted you guys to shame." 

Laughing at her antics, I followed her out of the room, almost running into Yolanna who was just about to knock on our door. 

"Oh perfect!," Yolanna smiled, "You guys headed to the capital for shopping too?" 

She asked so casually that I almost forgot we were fighting for our lives just hours ago. 

"Want to join us?" I asked hopeful, looking to Flontina who just smiled at me. 

"If you guys will have me," Yolanna smiled, also looking to Yolanna, "I don't think we've properly met, Yolanna Zephize, at your service." 

"Flontina Gerome," Flontina shook held out her hand for Yolanna to shake. 

Something inside of me warmed up and I couldn't help but smile, looking at the two women get along. And all three of us walked out, getting waves and greetings as well as affirmations of congratulations. There were so many smiles that I couldn't help but to smile back to the point where my face hurt. 

These were my people. 

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