Chapter 16

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Devouring my dinner proved not a challenge considering I ate 3 cookies. I was enjoying my meal after waking up Flontina, and just ignoring the blatant staring Harken was doing to me. It was like he was just waiting for me to choke or something, he was just so tense. 

"Harken you need to eat," his father reached over and stuck a large fowl breast with his fork, putting it on his son's plate followed by healthy scoops of vegetables, "Remember your mother allowed you to start adventuring as long as I made sure you eat right." 

Harken chuckled as he finally pried his eyes away from me and basically inhaled what was on his plate. It almost looked like he swallowed the bones whole like a snake or something. 

"So tell me Lara," Parter began, also finishing off his dinner with inhuman speed. Like father like son. "Why did you want to become an adventurer? Especially for a girl your age." 

"Well," I dabbed my mouth like a lady before fully speaking, making sure to make direct eye contact with the older Winvestial, "I always wanted to explore the world and being at home didn't do much for me, so I felt that the best way to achieve my goals was to become an adventurer." 

"Your parents must be so worried though, you're younger than Harken when my wife finally agreed to let him come on adventures with me." 

No, not really. 

I just shrugged, unable to give him that much of an explanation. I couldn't just say, "My parents barely acknowledge my existence, I doubt they would care if I died." 

Mr. Pleasal seemed to stiffen at the mention of my parents, ever so slightly however, something I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't trying to analyze every single person in this group. His connection to my father is what concerned me the most, and his suspicious enrollment into this group according to Flontina. My best guess is that he's a spy for my family, however I will not confront him on this manner. 

"You should eat more too," Parter suddenly said, probably noticing I was pretty finished with the conversation. He took a smaller piece of fowl and put it on my plate, still scooping a generous amount of vegetables as well. Though I do not think he ate as much veggies as he's making us children eat. "You're as skinny as a stick." 

I giggled at that sentiment, ignoring the growing fullness in my stomach as I gingerly ate at a rather small pace. 

Eventually the adults moved onto another table to drink, leaving Harken and me alone. I had just finished cleaning my plate with a huff when he finally spoke up. 

"What's your favorite food?" 

I was a bit thrown off by the casualness of the topic he's chosen but I'm not one to be rude, even to someone I don't like. 

"I don't have a particular favorite, though I will not say no to anything sweet." Liking sugary foods is an unladylike characteristic, but I think I'm away enough to be honest. 

He smiled like he knew I was being truthful, "What about favorite color?" 


"Favorite animal?" 


"Favorite time of day?" 


How many questions does he intend to ask me?! 

"How ab-"

"What about you?" I interrupted, "What's your favorite color?" 

He pauses, looking deep into my eyes and his gaze softened a bit, "Blue." 

I found my cheeks heating slightly, my childish thoughts convincing me he chose blue because of my eye color. We don't know each other like that, and I don't know if I want to grow to know him. 

"When did you start learning swordsmanship?" He asked leaning closer to me, seemingly genuinely interested in me. 

"When I was 5." 

"Wow, that's when I started too!" 

"With your father?" 

"Yeah," he laughed, "The old man used to knock me on my ass every single day even when I was that young." 

I laughed too at the imagery, "My teacher did the same." 

Somehow there wasn't any mercy for children, and maybe that's what made us good swordsmen. 

"Did your father teach you?" He asked, leaning even further on the table. He was a few inches away from just flat out laying on the surface. 

"No," I answered simply and honestly. "A local knight did." 

A half-truth, but Harken seemed to accept that answer, slightly sinking in his seat. He looked like he was cursing himself, looking down at his hands in what seemed like shame. He looked pitiful in a way. 

"So you were born in the North?" I began, grabbing his attention and his face lit up. 

"Born and raised," he boasted, "My father owns most of the land here."

"That's amazing," I admitted, "Will you take over when you're older?" 

"Yup," he popped the p, "Me and whoever I'm lucky enough to marry." 

"Wouldn't they be the lucky ones?" 

This comments made his expression fall once again.  I've noticed this about Harken, he wears his heart on his sleeve and it's sorta charming. Before I could question why his mood keeps changing a warm arm sudden wrapped around my shoulders and an even warmer voice spoke. 

"Hey, want to feed the horses with me?" Vadallea asked, already tugging gently on my arm. She appeared out of no where and shot a glare at Harken before latching onto my hand. 

I didn't really have time to react before we were rushing off to the guild's stables. She was rather pushy, but she was kind and she's sorta growing on me. Her open and blunt personality was quite amusing. 

She carried a bucket of apples over as I opened up one of the horse's stalls as per her instructions. 

It was my understanding that she's the daughter of the manager of this branch of the guild. When she isn't on D class adventure missions, she's here taking care of the cleaning and general care of the horses and other animals. 

"I heard you qualified for B class missions." She began, making conversation as she started piling the apples and feed in the trough. 

"Yes," I climbed up on the stool, taking the brush and starting on the mane. There were very few horses in my wing back home, so I never really seen one up close before. 

"Dang," she gaped, "I heard you were talented but this talented?" 

"Thank you," I found my cheeks getting a bit warm from the compliment. 

"Say, I heard you guys were not leaving tomorrow just yet for the mission, do you want to come into town with me?" 

"Yes!" I almost screamed at her, nearly toppling over on the stool. Catching myself, I cleared my throat to regain my composure, "I mean, yes." 

Giggling she walked over to me, holding out her hand for me to shake, "It's a date." She said jokingly. 

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