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                           𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐉𝐀 coo'd, looking at Jahmeer as he sat in a chair with a decorated cap Anija had made him and a gown while a photographer took his senior pictures. They were due before Winter Break and Jahmeer was just going to let the school take it but his mom forced him to take them professionally.

Anija honestly agreed with the idea, these were his senior pictures. They only come once so she felt like he should make the best of it.

"Meer, can you smile please!?" She called out to him. He glanced at her and the pout on her face making him break out a smile.

He had just recently got his braces off and was still trying to get used to how he looked without it. Anija honestly loved it and she loved his smile even more, his little dimples on both side of his cheeks made it even cuter. She hated that he was ashamed of it.

"You're so cuteeee," Anija squealed, taking out her phone to record him making him chuckle. He honestly felt like he looked so awkward. He never took professional pictures unless it was for media day.

"Making that boy blush like hell," Jahmeer's dad chuckled. He tagged along to watch the behind the scenes of the photoshoot along with Jamie and Janiya.

"Bad word dad, you owe me a dolla," Jamie held her hand out. Keith huffed, pulling out a 20 from his pocket and handing it to her as she smiled, she knew her dad never carried anything less than 20s on him.

"I want my change back," He joked making her jerk her head back.

"Dad.. you're a joke if you think I'm giving you change back," She replied smartly and Anija bursted out laughing, along with Janiya.

"Oh that's funny huh?" Keith eyed Anija and she quickly stopped.

"No sir," She shook her head and he chuckled.

"What yall laughing about?" They noticed Jahmeer now walking up to them as the photographer went on the studio to set up the next setting of his last few photos.

"Nunya business!" Jamie told him smartly and he flicked her off when his dad wasn't looking. "A dollar! Give it!"

"That ain't me and your deal, that's you and yo dad," He shrugged before looking at Anija.

"You got one more fit left, you ready?" She asked, holding his outfit in his hand. It was a sweatshirt of the college he was planning on going to, Benedict College.

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