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                  𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒 on Anija's bedroom door was heard making her slowly open her eyes

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𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐒 on Anija's bedroom door was heard making her slowly open her eyes. She stayed in place for a bit until she heard the knocks again. "Come in!" She called out.

Her door opened, revealing her 2 older brothers walking in making her instantly gasp, jumping out of her bed to run over to them. She almost forgot what day it was, Thanksgiving. They came over every holiday and it warmed her heart cause she missed them a lot.

She jumped on her oldest brother, Kacey and he chuckled, catching her and spinning her around like a baby. "Damn so it's just fuck me huh?" Her other brother, Antonio, said.

Anija laughed, jumping on him next but he didn't catch her. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly so she wouldn't fall, putting all his weight on him. "Hug me back nigga!" She squealed and he couldn't help but to wrap his arms around her.

She signaled for him to put her down and she took a good look at both of her brother's faces. "I missed you guys. Y'all so fake, y'all don't ever check on me."

"We busy. Never too busy for our lil sister though, we gon change that. And ima start coming out here more since ion live on campus anymore," Antonio told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and rubbing her head.

Moving her head away, she playfully rolled her eyes. Sometimes she hated being the youngest because her siblings were now grown and she had to accept the fact that they were out living life and couldn't just see and talk to her everyday now. Her brother Antonio was in college while Kacey just had his own family and lived out of state.

"Did you bring Kendall and my niece?" Anija asked Kacey, referring to his girlfriend and their daughter and he nodded.

"They in the kitchen with mom. We gotta surprise for you too. A few surprises actually," Kacey said.

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