a kiss?

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We're now back and I'm ready to take a long hot bath.

"I smell like shit" I say as take my shirt off.

Kai chuckles "It's not that bad"

I walk towards him "Not that bad? Smell." I say and shove my arms into his face

"We both stink." Kia says as he pulls me closer, with his hands on my waist.

Our eyes lock in in. I feel like I could get lost in his eyes. His eyes shift to my lips the he tucks my hair behind my ears. He moves closer to my neck

"We should probably go shower" Kai whispers in my ear

I nod yes, then my phone rings. I take it out of my back pocket and see it's Hazel calling me

I answer and put my phone against my ear "Hey"i say

Kai smiles then kisses me on my cheek. He then heads upstairs.

Kai... kissed.... ME on the cheek.... haha. I'm totally okay.

"Hey. We need to talk." Hazel says in a serious tone

"Okay. You could come here?" I suggest

"Okay. I'll be there in 10-15 minutes"

"Bye" I say and hang up

I really hope she's okay and it's not some sort of bad news.

I head up stairs and go to my room to shower.

After I took a shower I just put on my pj's then head to Kai's room.

He's laying on his bed.

"Just so you know Hazel's coming over and we're going to be in my room, so you can't disturb us." I say as I lay beside him

"Okay. Is it something bad?" Kai asks

"I don't know yet, but by the sound of her voice, it probably is bad news" I say

I rest my head on his chest and wait till Hazel gets here


Hazel just got here. We're in my room now.

Hazel Sighs "You have every right to be mad at me but please don't say anything until I'm done"

"Okay" I say

"So me and Henry have been spending alot of time together and last night, when we were out for ice-cream, we kissed. I'm really sorry Sky, but I feel like I'm really starting to like him. Like, I didn't feel like this when I liked Kai. It's way different. It's like I want to see  him everyday and talk to him. Being with him makes me happy. He makes me laugh but I know he's you're ex and you guys are really close so I'm really sorry"

I think my hart just sunk like the Titanic. A million thoughts going through my head. Where's my Jack to come and save me?

I put a smile on my face and hug her.
"You can do whatever you want. What type of friend would I be if I didn't let you date someone just because their my ex. Like what if he's the love of your life. I would be an awful best friend if I threw away your chance of being in a healthy and happy relationship."

"Thank you." She smiles

"Just promise me you're not going to do the same thing to Henry, what you did to Kai"


We hug then talk a little more and then she goes home. As I close the front door my legs start feeling weak

"Hey. I got you" Kai say as he puts his hand around my waist "let's go to my room"

As soon as we sit on his bed I feel my eyes water.

"Woah. What happened. Talk to me" Kai says concerned

"Hazel likes Henry and they kissed but that's not why I'm crying. It's the fact that what if that kiss, when me and Henry were still together wasn't a dare. And that maybe he was only with me the same reason Hazel was with you."

Kai holds me tight
"Why would you say that?" Kai say as strokes my back

"Because when we had that fight" I say referring to the on that happened between me and Henry at school "He said that I don't even feel comfortable to have sex with him"

Kai slightly pulls away and puts his hands on my cheeks "Listen. Don't think negatively about this, because it's only going to hurt you. Don't waist your tears on someone who's not even going to notice. Just think positive." 

I take a deep breath "Okay."

"And he's going to pay for what he said. He doesn't have the right to use that against you." Kai said as he pulled me closer again

It really helps talking to him. I just don't know why this hurts so much.

I slowly fall asleep in his arms


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