Chapter 46

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"Tasha is asleep and her milk is dripping." I sighed at the end while pointing at the ugly patch that was on my top.

"I can help." He spoke coming in then locked the door behind him.

"How?" I asked with an inquiry tone.

I did not like the smirk he had plastered on his lip. He came slowly towards me and led the way to my room away from the wing that had Tasha's cozy room.

"What are you doing?" I asked once he had pinned me on the bed.


His hands made way to my skin under my top. Soon he revealed one of my breast. His fingers toyed with my nipple while milk trickled down slowly.

"Max, no." I tried to push him away.

"This one time little one."

"It's for Tasha not you." I slightly mumbled.

"She's asleep. Might as well put it to good use instead of wasting it."

His mouth made contact with my nipple. He gently sucked the milk. Felt good since it was slightly painful when it was trickling by its own. Couple of seconds and he went to the other breast and did the same.

" Don't finish it baby Tasha needs her milk too. "I informed him teasingly.

Soon he stopped as he watched my full breast. They were no longer dripping milk.

" See I told you it would help. "He bragged as he spoke in a low tone.

" Go change the top. You smell like milk. "He smiled at the end.

I took a quick shower and wore clean clothes. Coming back to my room Max was nowhere to be seen. Slightly I could have sworn I heard little mumbles from Tasha's room. I headed there only to find Max playing with her. The two looked good together.

"Max you woke her up." I complained once my presence was noticed by Max.

"She was already awake when I got here." He defended himself.

I took her from the crib and fed her. She enjoyed her milk as she gently kicked her legs while she held her father's finger.

"She does have a strong grip." Max spoke as he tried to free his finger.

"Tonight I won't be able to come home. Lukah and I will be heading to the company. It has been long since we were there. We kind of have a lot of work." He informed me.

"Oh!" "When will you be back?"

"Tomorrow evening." couple of minutes later, he then bid me bye and Baby Tasha too.

The evening was young. Gabby and I we both decided to watch movies as old times. Madison was looking after the baby while Sheila Jane and Trice were busy in the kitchen.

"Mis. Anny. She just woke up." she gave me the baby once I had sat up.

For the rest of the time before dinner I watched the movie as Tasha played with my fingers. She was yet to see clear figures but she acted as if she saw.

"Dinner is served."Sheila informed us.

I gave Madison the baby as Gabby and I made way to the dinning room. We enjoyed the food to our fill. Gabby got tired and retired to sleep. Her pregnancy was big enough to be seen. It was her time to be taken care of. Sheila headed with her to her room.

Couple of hours later, Trice informed me it was time for bed. I headed to my room where Madison was rocking Tasha to sleep. The day ended well. I retired to bed when Tasha was already asleep and Madison also retired to bed.

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