Chapter 24

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"Welcome to Mickey's Restaurant."

A fine young lady welcomed us at the main entrance. Name tag Naomi. Max greeted her as if they had been acquaintances for a long time.

"Hello, sir" Her response.

I watched Max smile with her. I can't deny. For the briefest moment I felt the jealous type of sensation. Max looked back at me while I avoided his gaze.

"Easy love, she works for me."

Well that came as a surprise. Immediately my expression changed. Didn't want to be seen like the jealous type. Yet my emotions clogged my judgement.

"Hope so."

With that I walked away, heading to the direction she headed earlier on. Soon I was following her close behind. Suddenly she stopped on her tracks. Sharply she turned to my direction.

"He doesn't deserve you." She spoke directing her gaze towards me.

"Excuse me!" I raised my brows indicating I wasn't pleased with what the hell she was talking about. "For your information I never asked you if he deserved any shit, okay." I slightly raised my voice at the end.

"Technically you know what am saying is right." She whispered.

I watched her walk away proudly. Yah, I so much would love slapping the shit out of her, yet I'd get myself in some shit.

"Anny, the hell, could you just be nice." I heard Max's voice from behind me.

"Yah! I should be nice while others walk all over me. Is that it?"

Couple of seconds and I was pacing away from him angrily. I heard Gabby's voice from a far calling me. Knowing quite well she'd literally change my mind within seconds, I ignored her.

"Talk to her before I loose all my cool." I heard Max's voice in fade bits while I was busy escaping them.

Soon quick heels were following me eagerly. Once we were away from them, I turned to Gab.

"That bitch sucks." I cursed.

"Language young lady." Gabby warned.

"Can you believe she dared to open that useless mouth of her's and say Max doesn't deserve me." I complained.

"The hell..." Gabby stood in utter disgust.

"The nerve of her. Now Max thinks that am simply jealous." I paused after seeing Max and Lukah at the furthest end of a corner.

His expression showing utter disapproval of what he basically heard. At least that's what my mind concluded, when I saw him angry. I rushed to where he stood. His eyes never leaving mine.

"Max don't do something stupid." I begged.

For about a minute he looked at me, his face cold. It's likely that he was planning something terrible. Suddenly his lips slightly curved. Now I was a hundred percent confused. Better having him on his bad moods than him being this way.

"What are you planning?" I asked reaching at him.

In just a second events turned on me and he was the one reaching out to me. I stood in awe not knowing what to do.

"Aren't you hungry? Cause am starving."

With that he led me away. We all sat in a private booth full of breathtaking flowers and expensive lightings. Well to be honest that kinda lightened my moods. Let's say I almost forgot about Max's weird behavior earlier on. Better stay on guard. Anything can happen just like the way his moods changes like the weather.

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