Chapter 20

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The dragons were even more magnificent up close.

"They'll come when they're ready," said Daenerys as they walked around the perimeter of the castle, down to the grassy field that the dragons circled over, three beautiful figures glittering in the sky. "They sense you're a stranger."

"I don't blame them for being cautious," said Eidalya calmly. "Everyone should be wary of a new face, even for a little bit. My mother once told me to be doubtful of anyone who trusts too easily. Then again, I learned early on to be doubtful of people like her."

Daenerys smiled thinly, "Lord Tyrion has told me a great many things about your mother. He told me everything he knew about her role in the war, and last I heard, she tried to tell your brother not to trust you. Instead, she was dragged away, you made Stannis Baratheon the King of Westeros, and whisked your siblings away to the North where they've been safe since. I admire it. You're nothing like your father."

"If my uncle has spoken to you at length about my mother, surely you know Robert Baratheon is not my father by blood." Once Daenerys acknowledged this, Eidalya continued, "It's difficult to be anything like a man I hardly knew, even when I thought him to be my sire. Yet, I do still think of myself as a Baratheon. Thus, I think only I can offer you an apology on King Robert's behalf. The things that were done under his reign against your family... no matter what your father did, you should not have been hunted as you were. You and your brother were innocents, you did not deserve it. And on behalf of House Lannister, I apologize for what was done to Princess Elia, your niece Rhaenys, and your nephew Aegon. My grandfather, as you know, is dead now. Sandor Clegane, The Hound, executed Gregor Clegane, The Mountain. For a time, I was wed to Prince Oberyn and did my best to make a friend of House Martell and the rest of Dorne. I do not want to repeat my family's mistakes. I want no innocents to be harmed, which is why I am here, Queen Daenerys."

"Thank you," said Daenerys. "Lord Varys and I have already spoken about your father's decisions to hunt me. I do not place any of that blame on you. You strike me as an honorable woman, Princess Eidalya. Nothing like those who sired you or raised you."

Eidalya shook her head, "No, nothing like the majority of them. The only man I consider to be a true parent was Jon Arryn. He raised me just as he raised my father and Ned Stark. He taught me to value life, to seek knowledge, to listen and decide carefully, and to never underestimate anyone. I want us to work together, my Queen. You are not from this country but I am sure you are capable of learning to love it, respect it, and rule it fairly if you abide by these same lessons. I've heard of your restrictions in Meereen after the conclusion of your mission to free the slaves. We have had slavery abolished here for much, much longer than in the Bay of Dragons. Thus, people here will be even more resistant if you attempt to snuff out their way of life. I think we can find a way to help each other, don't you?"

Daenerys stopped at the nearest balcony, calm as the large black dragon once again swooped down over them. Eidalya flinched a bit less this time, staring at its massive wings flapping and pushing gusts of air at them. The beast landed in the grass, bringing the two slightly smaller dragons along. "I do think we can help each other. After all, I can see your desire to protect your family is true. You wish to protect your siblings, your cousin the Princess Shireen, and the North more than anything. I respect it. Perhaps we can come to an agreement once we listen to each other for a moment longer."

The two sat at the balcony, watching the dragons sunbathe, telling one another everything they could recall, from their earliest memories to the ones they had just before this meeting. Daenerys told her about being hunted, about Viserys Targaryen's cruelty, about becoming a Khaleesi and eventually birthing her dragons. She heard from her mouth the story of Astapor, of Yunkai, of Meereen. She learned about Ser Jorah Mormont being revealed as a traitor, and how he brought Tyrion back and proved himself loyal, though he was now lost in the world trying to find a cure for his greyscale.

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