Chapter 4

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She returned unharmed.

They were waiting in the war tent discussing movements when Lady Catelyn was brought back from her negotiations, escorted by two Stark guards.

"Well?" asked Robb eagerly as she appeared, a grim expression on her face. "What did he say?"

"Lord Walder has granted your crossing," she announced. The men were relieved. "His men are yours, as well. Less the four-hundred he will keep here to hold the crossing against any who would pursue you."

This sounded like good news to Robb. "What does he want in return?"

"You will be taking on his son, Olyvar, as your personal squire. He expects a knighthood in good time."

Robb nodded "Fine, fine." He paused when he realized his mother wasn't done. "And?"

She sighed, "And Arya... will marry his son Waldron when they both come of age."

"She won't be happy about that," he said with a weak laugh. Yet, there was still more. "And...?"

Lady Catelyn looked grim, "And... when the fighting is done... you will marry one of his daughters. Whichever you prefer. He has a number he thinks will be... suitable."

"I see," said Robb, disappointed. "Did you get a look at his daughters?"

The men snickered. "I did," said his mother. "One was..." she trailed off, finding nothing good to say. "Do you consent?"

"Can I refuse?" he asked.

"Not if you want to cross."

He relented. "Then I consent."

Eidalya's eyes drifted over the men at the table, all seeming to pity Robb. Did anyone pity the Frey girl who would have to marry a stranger to uphold this alliance? Why did they act as if Robb was being asked to give up a leg and arm, as if he was being told he had to starve for two months before he could receive what he wanted?

"You are all such brutes," she said, catching them by surprise. "If beauty is all that matters to you then I see no reason why we're fighting a war. You could all be in your castles or in brothels with beautiful women, you wouldn't have had to march down to avenge your families, restore honor to our land, and save your liege lord and his two young, innocentdaughters. I don't think Lord Stark or any of the men that went with him very attractive. Perhaps we ought to march back North."

"Princess," said Lord Glover in surprise. "I assure you, we do not–"

"But you do, Lord Glover. All of you seem to think the King is shouldering a great burden. Yet this burden is no greater than what past Kings, Queens, lords, an ladies have had to endure. Some had it worse, I think. Surely everyone remembers the tales of Maegor and his Black Brides? I was always more inclined to feel sorrow for those women rather than Maegor. But by all means– yes, of course, poor King Maegor, how dare those wives not give him a son! He must have suffered so."

Her sarcasm was making them uncomfortable. "Do your own marriages make you so grim? Did you all wish for prettier wives? I'm sure they would be disappointed to hear you now. And whatever children resulted in those unions... I do pity them. How horrible that they did not look more attractive because your wives weren't pretty enough. My deepest sympathies with you."

"Are you approaching a point?" asked Robb tightly.

Eidalya smiled. "I am. The point is that we know nothing of the Frey girls. The most beautiful may not have been present, and even if she was, even if she did not stand out, what do any of you know of her brains? Of her ability to make a man laugh? We knew Lord Walder would want to enact his toll and he has."

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