Chapter 1: Fortune favors the brave

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"Oh, darling, are you sure you want to leave London?"

"Yes, mama." Edwina takes a look at her mother. Mary Sharma, born Sheffield, is standing at the window and is staring outside. 

"But ... look, it is so windy and rainy outside. You'll be completely frozen after the long journey to Weymouth."

"Mama." Edwina sighs, stands up from the couch in the living room and approaches her. "The rain won't kill me. It is not the first time I'm traveling while it's raining. Is it possible", she takes softly the hands of her mother, "that you are afraid of being alone?"

Mary smiles caught. "Oh, my dear Edwina, you always know how people feel, don't you?"

"Well ..." For a second a little shadow is coming over Edwina's good mood. "I didn't know when it came to Kate and Anthony."

Her mother squeezes her hands. "I am so proud how you handled this situation."

"Thank you." The smile returns to her face. "But let's get back to my question."

Now it is her mother who sighs. She lets go of her hands and makes a few steps in the room. Meanwhile, she starts talking: "I am afraid you are right. You know, I have never been alone in my life. There have been my parents, then your father and then Kate and you. Now that Kate is married, there is only you."

Edwina raises an eyebrow and opens her mouth to answer but her mother is faster: "Please don't get me wrong, I am very happy for Kate and I love seeing both of them happy and in love everytime I visit them. And I also do wish you all the best in your life including a husband someday. But at the same time I wonder what will happen to me at this point. And now that you are leaving, I can get a first insight of how it will feel to be alone." 

After she has finished, her mother smiles sadly at her. 

"My dear mama." The words of her mother filled Edwina's heart with compassion. She follows her and stands opposite her. "I can assure you that you will never ever be alone. Kate and I will always have an ear and place for you to stay. And concerning the stay at Weymouth ... I would have loved to take you with me, mother, but the instructions of The Queen made very clear that she wishes me to go alone."

"Oh, yes, the letter." Mary rolls her eyes, sits down and takes said letter in her hands. "I still can't understand that Her Majesty wants you to get to know her nephew."

"Grandnephew. I informed myself." She takes a seat next to her mother.

Her mothers laughs. "Of course you did."

"I can't believe it either but I appreciate her offer because I think she could be right that the voices will fall silent when I leave London."

"Yes, that is right. But still ... I wish I could join you. It would be a fun mother-daughter-trip, don't you think?" They both start laughing. 

Edwina can't help but wonder why Queen Charlotte wanted her mother to stay in London. The promised ,instructions' came in form of a letter, only a few days after her visit in the palace. The Queen told her in it that she organized a place for Edwina to stay, explained her where she could find her nephew and that she would write him about her coming. She closed with the request to go without her mother and wished her "a pleasent time". 

To be honest, Edwina is now a little bit afraid of this mysterious prince. She hopes that he isn't a kind of seducer. Edwina tries to keep the hope high that The Queen - as a mother herself - doesn't want her mother to interfere in their ... get-to-know.

Although Edwina has no idea how she will follow the wishes of Queen Charlotte - because she certainly doesn't want to marry a prince who ran in and whom she doesn't even know - but she wants to approach the adventure with an open mind, enjoy the benefits (a stay by the sea and freedom from the rumours) and see what will happen. Not more. Not less. 

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