fucking young/perfect

615 33 6

pretend like this is the week after thanksgiving and I'm not late😘

Boy, I know that we could be more
Than just friends, but you're scared
Boy, I know, that we could be more
Than just friends, but you're scared

៚ • twelve
៚ • bronx, ny
៚ • 4pm
៚ • samaria bryant

"I knew it!" Jaliya exclaimed as we walked back to school from Popeyes. I finally told her about Bryson's dream, and to say she was ecstatic was an understatement.

"Yeah I was surprised too."

"This is amazing, so you finally told him?"

"Told him what?"

"How you feel."

"What are you talking about Jaliya?" I asked laughing.

"You told him you like him right?" She said and I nearly chocked.

"Jaliya...Bryson told me his dream and we agreed not to make it a big deal. And we don't see each other like that so can you like get over this fantasy of us dating?"

"It's not a fantasy. It's me seeing two people who clearly have strong feelings for each other suppress them out of fear and pride."

"Blahblahblah eat my ass."

"You're insufferable."

"I'm not built for a boyfriend anyways."

"You're insufferable."

"Look realistically if he wanted to he could've made a move years ago."

"You could've too."

"But I never-" I started to say but Jaliya darted her eyes at me. "Okay nevermind."

bryson⭐️- i need to see you

My stomach stopped.

"What happened?" Jaliya asked making me pause in my steps.

"Nothing," I said shaking that feeling off as we continued around the block towards school.

me- what happened? you okay?

bryson⭐️- im fine i just wanna see you before my game

me- where should i go?

bryson⭐️- outside the locker rooms

me- be there in like 5

bryson⭐️- and text me when ur with bria

me- okayyyy

"Samaria!" I heard and looked to see Bria. She was coming to Bryson's game today and we planned to meet in front of school.

"My girllll," I smiled hugging her.

"You ready to watch your brother play?"

"Of courseee," she smiled before we made it back into school and filed into the gym to secure our seats.

I told her and Jaliya that I'd be right back and headed outside to the halls. When I rounded the corner I already saw his frame leaning against the wall.

"Hi captain," I smiled as I moved closer.

He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hi Captain," he replied pulling me into a tight hug. "I missed you."

"You saw me four hours ago, quit with the mushy stuff." I mugged him as he still kept me in a tight hug.

"One day you'll learn to appreciate it bunny." He said once he pulled back. I would never admit it out loud, but I love the warmth from hugging him. If my safe place was a person it would probably be him.

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