nothing can come between us

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I kept forgetting to post this guys 😭😭


Always hope that you remember
We'll never really learn the meaning of it all
What we have is strong and tender
So hold on
In the middle of the madness
When the time is running out and you're left alone
All I want is you to know that
It's strong still, can't pull us apart

៚ • eleven
៚ • maryland
៚ • 2pm
៚ • bryson jr. walker

I didn't expect that to go as well as it did. I expected her to be mad, or scrunch up her face or hate me or something.

Samaria would rather ignore than address. Maybe she's gonna ghost me when we get back home. Maybe I should've never told her in the first place-

"Bryson! I've been looking for you." I heard and looked up to see Samaria walking into the one empty room in grandma's house which was the guest.

She always called it off limits every holiday. Well not really...

When me and Samaria became friends and we invited her family up here for the first time, we would sit aside and talk.

But we'd always find ourselves interrupted because family wanted to talk to me, my cousins wanted to play games with us or something just going on in the midst of everyone.

The second year Samaria came over, she noticed us getting annoyed by it. So she brought us upstairs while everyone was busy and told us that we could sit in there together. But she heavily reiterated "no funny business" and acting civil.

So now it was like our secret spot on holidays.

"You were looking for me?" I asked confused, sitting up on the bed.

"Yes, I was wondering where you wandered off to, but then I remembered our spot." She smiled sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Yeah, I just wanted to think."


"Life and stuff."

"Is this about what was said in the car-"

"You're not secretly planning to ghost me when basketball season is about to start. Because Samaria that would really fuck me up."

"You think I'm gonna pull an Azealia?" She asked and the second we looked at each other we busted out laughing.

"You had a dream where we kissed and I wouldn't ghost you over a dream. Nonetheless a harmless one."


"So stop being weird," she said, leaning on me.

"Usually I'm the one solving problems..." I trailed off and she smiled.

"I learned from the best." Just then the door opened and we froze for a second. But relaxed when we realized it was my grandma.

"I knew I would find you two up here." She smiled as we rushed to get off the bed.

"Happy thanksgiving grandma," I said hugging her tightly.

"Happy thanksgiving Bryson," she hugged me back before pulling back.

"Awwww Samaria you look even more beautiful than earlier this year," she smiled before they hugged.

"Happy thanksgiving Grandma Holly."

"Bryson you look so handsome, dressed like a young man." She complimented me as she touched my locs.

"So how long have you two been dating for now?" She asked catching us off guard.

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