Chapter 23

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Even after the smoke from the evil little plant had dissipated, the smell still lingered. Or, at least Noori thought it did. The odor had been so vile that perhaps it was just the memory of it that haunted her. Either way, she held the cuff of her sleeve over her nose as she stared into the fire, trying to make sense of what she and Keizsa had discovered.

"What was that?" she asked. "What kind of spell did she cast on that plant?"

Keizsa paced short, uneasy laps in front of the fireplace hearth. She shook her head. "I'm not sure. But whatever the spell was for, it wasn't cast on the plant — the plant was the spell. That's how Vidonia's magic works. Plants are her conduit."

Noori pulled her watering gaze away from the brightness of the flames. She suddenly left a little lightheaded, though it had nothing to do with the smell. The truth was so obvious, and she was stunned that she hadn't figured it out sooner. "The plants are making everyone sick. They have to be! The illness started right after Minty started giving them away as gifts."

"Did your father have one?" Keizsa chewed her bottom lip while her finger tips toyed with the ends of her long hair.

"Yes!" Noori burned at the memory of the nasty little seedling and how it flourished in the darkness of her father's room while he laid there, wasting away. She had even put it at his bedside because it made him happy! "It was thriving until the day he recovered. Your spell must have killed it!"

The color drained from Keizsa's face. She looked as if she might faint. "What could she possibly stand to gain from..." Her voice trailed off. She screwed her eyes shut tight and wrapped her arms around herself. Noori's heart broke, first for Keizsa and then for herself. Trying to understand how a friend could do such terrible things was a pain she was still trying to navigate herself. She wondered if Toddrick knew that the seedling he had tossed at her feet was made of dark magic. Her insides twisted at the thought that he not only knew, but that giving it to her had been his idea.

"I don't know what she's up to, but it ends today," Noori declared between clenched teeth. With only revenge on her mind, she whirled around and marched directly to the studio door. Only when the knob refused to budge did she remember that she was trapped until nightfall. Furious, Noori took out all her frustration on the door. She hammered at the wood with the meaty sides of her fists and kicked it repeatedly. She howled until she felt Keizsa's arms wrap around her shoulders and draw her back into an embrace.

"Stop. You know it won't make a difference," Keizsa whispered into her ear. "You'll only end up hurting yourself even more."

Noori swatted away the hot tears that slide down her face. "I feel so useless."

"Trust me, I get it." Gently, Keizsa turned Noori around to face her. She offered a small half-smile that made Noori feel foolish. Of course Keizsa understood: they were in this together. "I know it's hard, but the best thing you can do right now is try to get some sleep. You need to give your injuries a chance to heal. And when that door unlocks tonight you're going to need to have your wits about you."

She laid her hand tenderly against Noori's cheek. It was a simple gesture, but it had an immediate calming affect on Noori's raging heart.

"I guess you're right," Noori said with a sigh. Her gaze flicked upward to the platform where they shared Keizsa's bed.

"Of course I am."

"Will you join me?"

Smiling, Keizsa leaned in and pressed a long, slow kiss to Noori's lips. "Not yet. I've got to get back to breaking this curse."

"Normally I would pout, but I suppose that's a pretty good reason to send me off to bed alone," Noori admitted. "Do you need any help?"

"I'm afraid this is something I need to do on my own," Keizsa replied.

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