Chapter 10

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Noori sprinted down the docks and wove through the darkened market stalls. She clutched her father's wrapped teacup to her chest like a wounded bird and felt her own thundering heart beat against it. Never had anything felt as important as this journey.

She retraced her route from the first night from memory, winding her way deeper into the sleeping city as though it were a labyrinth. But when she spotted the narrow alley in which she first met Luck, the hummingbird flitted into her line of sight and chirruped noisily until she stopped running.

"What are you doing?" she scolded in frustration. Every time she tried to duck or dodge around the little bird, he swooped back into her face with a buzz. He circled Noori's head, coming just close enough for her to feel the wind from his rapidly beating wings but not so close as to touch. Finally, she relented. "Okay, fine. I'll follow you then."

To see such a creature up close was mesmerizing. Noori watched as flecks of shades of green and gold danced across her skin, reflecting off his feathers thanks to the light that burned from somewhere beneath them. If she wasn't seeing him with her own eyes, she never would have believed such a thing was possible.

Yet there he was, watching her with those beady eyes that sparkled with delight. Noori nearly leapt out of her skin when he let out a sharp whistle. If Luck could laugh, Noori was certain he'd be doing it right now. With a couple more triumphant chirps, he darted away, this time taking a sharp left in the complete opposite direction Noori had gone last time. Confused, Noori followed.

Just like the last time, Luck led her through a series of twists and turns up and down roads and around corners she had never been to before. He was so fast, and it took everything Noori had in her to keep up.

Finally, Luck led Noori into a quiet little cul-de-sac. By now they had found themselves on the far end of the city where the businesses and apartment building were replaced by charming little homes. Noori doubled over and took a moment to catch her breath and nurse the stitch in her side. When she straightened up again, she gasped in surprise: there, in the middle of the sidewalk, stood a door eerily unattached from any sort of structure. She was certain that the thing hadn't been there before.

"What in the world..." Noori whispered. Luck replied with a tittered and flitted forward to perch on the door's handle. Noori's mouth fell open as the worn grooves in the door's wood and the thin gap around the frame glowed with warm, golden light. After pulling herself together, Noori gave the door a push and stepped inside. This time, she remembered to pull it closed behind her.

Noori spotted Keizsa making her way carefully across the studio floor, peering over a load of supplies she had cradled in her arms; rolls of fresh canvas and a fist full of brushes that had clearly seen better days. When she made it to her drafting table, the witch hinged forward and spilled everything unceremoniously across the surface.

"What a chore." Keizsa grumbled as she adjusted her spectacles propped atop her head. Her cheeks were flushed from the exertion and her warm copper complexion seemed to glow. There was a smudge of blue paint on the tip of her nose. Noori found it charming, which took her off guard. When Keizsa lifted her gaze from the mess on her table and found Noori watching her, they were both startled.

"You're here already!" Keizsa exclaimed, pressing the palm of a paint-smeared hand to her heart. "Apologies, I didn't expect you to respond so quickly."

"I don't exactly have time to waste," Noori replied.

"Right. Of course." The art witch cleared her throat, her fingers twisting long tendrils of her dark hair. "I'm sorry for rudeness the other day. It was cruel of me to dismiss you like that."

Noori lifted her eyebrows quizzically. "If it means you're willing to help my father then consider your apology accepted. But why the sudden change of heart?"

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