The Return

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November 12th, 2021


Location: Burkburnett, TX


"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Basking in the glory that is my state sign."


"Because I can."

This argument between Samuel and I had been going on for a couple of...hours. At first, he wanted to rest for more than eight hours way back in Okemah. Yeah, he wasn't too fond of the 'rise and shine' routine I held for him after only four of those hours. Who knew people didn't like to wake up to a bucket of water in their face?

Ever since then, we've been bickering. He didn't want to stop for water; I did. I wanted to toss our backpacks and pick up new ones closer to the border; he didn't (I eventually won that argument when our backs and shoulders were beginning to give out around the witching hour yesterday evening). We did come to a truce at Randlett when I bought him a water and he bought me an ice cream. However, we've since picked up the bickering when he tripped on a rock an hour ago and I didn't try to hold in my laughter.

I'm holding strong to my theory that he's a bear that needs to hibernate, lest he become a grumpy, old man.

Regardless of his mood, my heart began to swell with pride. If Gia and I weren't with two guys who are still kinda strangers, I'd hug the sign. I still might do it.

"I don't understand you Texans and your pride for your state," Joshua stated quizzically. He pushed his brown square-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose and crossed his arms.

"Well, when your state is the only way to avoid dirty looks from Europeans and is known to be the best at everything they do, you tend to become a bit prideful. Not to mention, we have one of the top twenty tourist destinations in the United States," Genna replied. I shot her a grin and turned back to the state sign.

After seven years, ten months, one day, twenty-three hours, and one minute, I'm back home. We were back home. Granted, it wasn't the houses we grew up in, but it was in the same state.

We were never allowed to travel to Texas. All the bosses, Big T included, thought we'd try to run if we ever found ourselves back in the Lone Star State. Honestly, it was kind of insulting because we could've escaped at any time, but chose not to in case they'd target our families. The last thing we'd need is for our loved ones getting hurt. So, we stayed.

Genna and Joshua began their own bickering session with Joshua bringing up the amazing tourist attractions Wyoming has to offer and her countering them with our own. I tuned them out as I stepped past the sign. Believe it or not, I was a bit apprehensive. Part of me thought that we'd get ambushed and taken down the second I set foot on Texas land. That sort of thing only happens in books and movies though.

I did, however, become acutely aware of the sudden presence on my right side. I looked up at Samuel and saw him gazing in the distance. He was calculating the risk of us standing out in the open. Lights from the tiny Texas town could be seen from where we were, but there weren't many trees or any other coverage in case we did find ourselves under attack.

I jumped a bit as he spoke, breaking the silence. "What exactly is your plan now that we're back in your home state?"

"Well," I began, starting our trek towards town once more. "At first, I would like to shower with actual hot water and soap for the first time in a long time. River baths aren't exactly my idea of fun anymore."

"They used to be?"

"Haha, no. Nah, I was just joking. But I do want to shower. And eat an actual meal. Swiping fruit and the occasional pack of deli meat isn't as nutritionally satisfying as a steak and broccoli, you know?"

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